Unsuitable Environment for Austrian Environmentalists?

Facts - Demand and Reality - Climate Policy as Opportunity- Perspectives and Barriers

This publication documents the international and national climate policy since the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Here you can read english summaries of the contributions of Austrian experts on climate change.

Summaries of some contributions:

Austrian Climate Policy: The Opportunity of Failure
Stefan Schleicher, Kurt Kratena

What we know about climate change
Helga Kromp-Kolb

Housing and Mobility: Positive Energy Houses and Decilitre Cars
Reinhold W. Lang, Stefan Schleicher

Austrian Reduction Targets for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Toronto to Kyoto
Albert E. Hackl

Austrian Climate Change Policy: Ambitious Targets but Lack of Credibility
Michael Lohmeyer

Overview of all contributions

Austrian Climate Policy: The Opportunity of Failure

Stefan Schleicher, Kurt Kratena


Austrian climate policy is characterized by rather ambitious targets whose implementation, however, is not visible in the data of emitted greenhouse gases. With the accords of the UN climate conferences of Kyoto, Bonn, and Marrakech, a new situation has occurred: With the USA having left the Kyoto Protocol at least for the time being the EU has taken the role of a leader in global climate policy. This means, that the EU will push a quick ratification of the Kyoto Protocol and carefully watch the commitment of the member countries in fulfilling the common reduction target. Thus Austria’s climate policy that so far has failed to bridge the gap between ambitions and reality will get a new chance: In the same manner as the EU is embedding climate policy into a comprehensive reform package with the emphasis on energy
and transport, Austria could link its climate policy to an innovative economic program for sustainable development.

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What we know about climate change

Helga Kromp-Kolb


Meteorological data and observations of nature show that the climate is changing. To the best of our knowledge, i.e. according to the most ad-vanced climate models, these changes can be largely explained by the anthropogenic influence on the atmospheric composition. Model simulations of future developments still contain large uncertainties, but are consistent in expecting global warming and an increase in the frequency of extreme events. The alpine region appears to be more vulnerable than others in Europe because the climate changes could be more extensive here and because the affected systems are more sensitive.

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Housing and Mobility:
Positive Energy Houses and Decilitre Cars

Reinhold W. Lang, Stefan Schleicher


The direction of technological innovations is ulti-mately determined by the demands put by producers and consumers to technologies. Housing and mobility are examples, how a deliberate orientation for better services in these areas could stimulate considerable welfare effects.

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Austrian Reduction Targets for Greenhouse Gas Emissions
from Toronto to Kyoto

Albert E. Hackl


The Austrian climate change policy suffers from the problem that it has agreed to meet ambitious targets but has done little to implement measures enabling it to achieve those targets. This holds true for the Toronto target, for the goals agreed upon before the Kyoto-conference, as well as for the Kyoto- target itself.

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Austrian Climate Change Policy:
Ambitious Targets but Lack of Credibility

Michael Lohmeyer


Over the past ten years Austria has acquired a re-putation for aiming at fairly ambitious targets for
climate change policies but lacks the credibility of meeting them. Facing still increasing Greenhouse-
gas- emissions the Austrian Government has arrived at a crossroad: Will it be able to escape the
credibility gap of the past?

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This Website is supported by:

Climate Austria. The new tool for CO2 compensation in Austria.

European Cooperation of the Umweltbundesamt: EU ERA-Net CIRCLE links up and aligns European national research programmes for impact and adaptation

    The impulse program of the Ministry of Environment for active climate protection.

Contribution of project related flexible mechanisms (JI/CDM) to climate protection

Emissions Trading Page of the Ministry of Environment

Conference of the Parties