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International News on Climate Policy and Kyoto

Obama präsentiert sein "green team"
Um Klima- und Umweltfragen kümmern sich in der künftigen US-Regierung ausgewiesene Experten, allen voran Steven Chu, Nobelpreisträger für Physik des Jahres 1997. Er wird Energieminister. Bei der Vorstellung seiner Umweltmannschaft machte der kommende Präsident klar, dass er in der Umwelt- und Energiepolitik einen ganz anderen Kurs einschlagen will als Vorgänger George W. Bush.
17.12.08, © ORF Science

Australia commits to cut carbon 15 per cent by 2020
Australia follows EU in agreeing to binding emission targets, but environmental groups slam "weak" targets as inadequate. Australia today pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions 15 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020 in the event of an effective successor to the Kyoto Agreement being delivered next year. The Australian government said the cuts would be delivered through its proposed carbon cap-and-trade scheme, which it claims will be the largest such scheme outside the EU when it comes into effect on 1 July, 2010.
15.12.08, ©

EU-Gipfel: Einigung bei Klimapaket erzielt
Bis 2020 sollen zwanzig Prozent der Energie in Europa aus Wasser, Wind und Sonne gewonnen werden. Für osteuropäische Staaten wird es Ausnahmeregelungen geben.
12.12.08, © Die Presse

Obama will beim Klimaschutz vorangehen
Der künftige amerikanische Präsident Barack Obama will beim Klimaschutz eine Kursänderung seines Landes. Er hat sich per Videobotschaft in eine Konferenz in Los Angeles eingeschaltet und eine Führungsrolle der USA angekündigt.
19.11.08, © NZZ

'We Have Accepted a Limit on our Emissions'
With its enormous population and booming industrial economy, India is set to become one of the planet's chief polluters. India's chief climate treaty negotiator, Shyam Saran, talks to SPIEGEL ONLINE his country's role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
19.11.08, © Der Spiegel

Obama will beim Klimaschutz vorangehen
Der künftige amerikanische Präsident Barack Obama will beim Klimaschutz eine Kursänderung seines Landes. Er hat sich per Videobotschaft in eine Konferenz in Los Angeles eingeschaltet und eine Führungsrolle der USA angekündigt.
19.11.08, © NZZ

'We Have Accepted a Limit on our Emissions'
With its enormous population and booming industrial economy, India is set to become one of the planet's chief polluters. India's chief climate treaty negotiator, Shyam Saran, talks to SPIEGEL ONLINE his country's role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
19.11.08, © Der Spiegel

Ex-Soviet bloc leads rises in CO2 emissions
Greenhouse gas emissions in many industrialised nations are still rising, especially in the former Soviet bloc, despite agreements to cut back, the U.N. Climate Change Secretariat said on Monday. Emissions by 40 industrialized nations grew by 2.3 percent to the equivalent of 18.0 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2006 from 17.6 billion in 2000, it said. They dipped 0.1 percent in 2006 compared with 2005 but underlying trends were still up.
17.11.08, © Reuters

Canada to push climate agreement with Obama government
The Canadian government will seek a climate change agreement with the new administration of U.S. president-elect Barack Obama, Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said Wednesday.
05.11.08, © Sympathico

Canada to seek continent-wide approach to climate change
Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Thursday called for a North America-wide plan to curb CO2 emissions linked to warming, while jumbling his new cabinet's economic and environmental duties.
"We want to work with the Americans on regulatory systems relating to greenhouse gas emissions in order that we can work toward the same goals," said Harper.
30.10.08, © Yahoo News

UK will face peak oil crisis within five years, report warns
The risk to the UK from falling oil production in coming years is greater than the threat posed by terrorism, according to an industry taskforce report published today.
The report, from the Peak Oil group, warns that the problem of declining availability of oil will hit the UK earlier than generally expected - possibly within the next five years and as early as 2011.
29.10.08, © The Guardian

Poland eyes alliance with China in U.N. climate talks
China and Poland, both deeply reliant on coal, could collaborate in global climate talks to ensure fighting greenhouse gases does not harm their economies, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Thursday.
Tusk, on a four-day visit to Shanghai and Beijing, said he had also discussed with Chinese officials and entrepreneurs the prospects for cooperation on clean coal technologies.
23.10.08, © Reuters

Chinas Treibhausgas-Ausstoß droht sich zu verdoppeln
Chinas Wirtschaftswachstum könnte alle Klimaschutz-Bemühungen des Westens zunichte machen: Der Bericht eines staatlichen Instituts sagt dem Land eine Verdopplung des Treibhausgas-Ausstoßes in den nächsten 30 Jahren voraus.
22.10.08, © Der Spiegel

Prognosen zum Klimaschutz: EU auf dem Weg zur Umsetzung der Ziele von Kyoto
Die EU und die meisten Mitgliedstaaten sind auf dem richtigen Weg, um ihre Verpflichtungen aus dem Kyoto-Protokoll zur Verringerung der Treibhausgasemissionen umzusetzen. Dies geht aus dem jährlichen Fortschrittsbericht der Kommission zu diesem Thema hervor.
16.10.08, ©

Carbon capture viable by 2030 but needs £8bn to begin now
One of Gordon Brown's pet energy projects - to build up to a dozen pilot plants to capture and store carbon dioxide as power stations burn coal to generate electricity - would require EU subsidies of as much as €10bn (£7.9bn) over the next few years, it emerged yesterday. A study by the consultancy McKinsey into carbon capture and storage (CCS) showed that such plants could be economically viable by 2030 at the latest. But it would require substantial public subsidies to get 10-12 plants running by the EU target date of 2015.
23.09.08, © The Guardian

Welterschöpfungstag: Alle Ressourcen verbraucht
Ab 23. September lebt die Menschheit laut Umweltorganisationen auf Kosten der Zukunft. Denn rechnerisch sind mit diesem Tag die Ressourcen verbraucht, die die Erde 2008 hergeben kann.
Der 23. September gilt symbolisch als jener Tag im Jahr 2008, an dem sich die Rechnung nicht mehr ausgeht, an dem alle Ressourcen für 2008 (im übertragenen Sinn) verbraucht sind; sich nicht mehr erholen, nicht mehr nachwachsen können. Denn wie viel wir Autofahren, wie oft wir Fleisch essen, wie schlecht die Wohnung isoliert ist - das alles verbraucht Rohstoffe.
23.09.08, © ORF Science

Australia, China and US in climate talks
Australia has brought together the world's two major greenhouse gas polluters, China and the US, to search for common ground on cutting carbon emissions - including clean coal technologies - while protecting security of energy supplies. The top Chinese, US and Australian climate change negotiators will gather for two days this week in Washington at a political and business meeting organised by the Melbourne-based Global Foundation and Georgetown University.
15.09.08, © The Australian

EU committee votes to cut biofuels target
EU lawmakers voted Thursday to cut in half an ambitious target for using crop-based biofuels for 10 percent of its road transport needs by 2020. The vote by the European Parliament's industry committee deals a blow to climate change goals agreed to by EU leaders last year to try to cut carbon dioxide emissions. Environmental and aid groups had criticized the EU's 10 percent biofuels target, claiming it harmed efforts to fight global poverty and effectively tackle carbon emissions, and caused deforestation. The biofuels target is part of an ambitious climate change package the 27 EU leaders embraced last year, which they hope to enact by year's end.
12.09.08, © The Associated Press

China Government Adviser Urges Greenhouse Gas Cuts
China Government Adviser Urges Greenhouse Gas Cuts
China should bind itself to international goals to slash greenhouse gas pollution, one of the nation's most prominent policy advisers said, in a striking break with Beijing's official stance.
09.09.08, © Reuters

UN climate talks seek new climate treaty
The Aug. 21-27 meeting of 1,000 delegates will also consider new ways to combat global warming such as slowing tropical deforestation. More than 150 nations meet in Ghana from Thursday trying to speed up sluggish talks on a new climate treaty and plug big gaps in a "vision" of leading industrial nations of halving world greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
21.08.08, © eitb

Brazil launches forestry investment fund
The Brazilian government has launched a new international investment fund designed to help tackle deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. Officials said the fund, which will be managed by Brazil's National Development Bank, will aim to raise up to £10.5bn by 2021 from international governments and businesses. The money is expected to be invested in projects that promote alternatives to deforestation for Amazonian communities and improve protection for nature reserves.
04.08.08, ©

Kalifornien plant Emissionshandel im Jahr 2012 mit Partnerstaaten
Kalifornien will gemeinsam mit sechs westlichen US-Staaten und vier kanadischen Provinzen einen Emissionshandel zur Reduktion von Kohlendioxid einführen. Der Emissionshandel soll demnach im Jahr 2012 starten. Im Februar 2007 hatten sich die Partner, darunter die Staaten Arizona, Oregon und New Mexico, das Ziel gesteckt, den Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen bis zum Jahr 2020 drastisch zu senken.
24.07.08, © CO2

Bulgaria Prepares to Sell Spare Kyoto Carbon Credits
Bulgaria plans to sell spare greenhouse credits granted under the Kyoto Protocol through 2012, an Environment Ministry official said.
``The ministry is preparing a proposal for trade with the national surplus quota, which has to be approved by the cabinet,'' Stefan Dishovski, head of the Bulgarian Environment Ministry's climate department, said yesterday in a phone interview.
17.07.08, © Bloomberg

EU in Deal on Airline CO2 Emissions - Sources
European Union governments struck a provisional deal with lawmakers on Thursday to include aviation from 2012 in the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS), a key tool to fight climate change, sources said.
A European Parliament spokesman confirmed the Reuters report that a deal had been done, and said details would be officially released in the next few days.
Aviation generates 3 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions in the 27-member bloc but has been kept out of the ETS so far because of concerns that its inclusion would damage the industry's ability to compete in international markets.
27.06.08, © Planet Ark

Einigung: Flugverkehr wird ab 2012 in den EU-Emissionshandel einbezogen
Europäischer Rat, Parlament und Kommission haben sich heute auf ein Regelwerk zur Einbeziehung des Flugverkehrs in den EU-Emissionshandel verständigt.
26.06.08, © CO2

Japan may slowly accept CO2 cap-and-trade scheme
Japanese industry is likely to accept eventually a mandatory scheme to reduce greenhouse gas emissions after a trial carbon trading system is launched here later this year, the head of a government panel on carbon trade said. Japan has until now encouraged voluntary reduction pledges from individual industries rather than impose a European Union-style cap-and-trade system that binds polluters to mandatory emissions limits, which steelmakers and other big emitters here say would curb their growth.
26.06.08, © Reuters

CO2 Emissions From Transport Up in EU
Carbon dioxide emissions from transport have continued to grow in the European Union, despite a slight reduction from overall sources, EU data for 2006 released on Wednesday showed. European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas also warned of an increase in CO2 emissions last year among the 12 newer EU states, mostly in eastern Europe.
19.06.08, © Planet Ark

Officials say UN climate talks too slow
A U.N. conference on a new climate change agreement adjourned Friday claiming modest progress, but with delegates concerned that the slow pace posed the risk of failing to complete an accord on time. The end of the meeting coincided with a new report by a Dutch environmental monitor that China's emissions of greenhouse gases sharply increased last year, and it now emits 14 percent more than the United States
14.06.08, © The Associated Press

China clearly overtakes U.S. as leading emitter of climate-warming gases
China has now clearly overtaken the United States as the world's leading emitter of climate-warming gases, a new study has found. The increasing emissions from China - up 8 percent in the past year - accounted for two-thirds of the growth in global greenhouse gas emissions in 2007, the study found.
13.06.08, © IHT

UN climate talks chairman seeks concrete proposals
The chairman of United Nations climate talks urged governments on Friday to boost efforts to secure a new deal to tackle global warming by making specific proposals as soon as possible.
Participants hope to reach an agreement by December 2009 so that it can come into force after the first round of the Kyoto Protocol, which is intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change, ends in 2012.
06.06.08, © Reuters

Latest round of UN climate change talks kicks off in Germany
Talks on strengthening international action on global warming have begun in Bonn, Germany under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The two-week round of negotiations will focus on furthering governments’ commitments to the Kyoto Protocol on climate change, and will include discussion on how industrialized countries can meet their emissions reduction targets beyond the first phase of the Protocol, which ends in 2012.
02.06.08, © UN

G-8-Umweltminister wollen Treibhausgase bis 2050 halbieren
Dieses langfristige Ziel soll beim G-8-Gipfel der Staats- und Regierungschefs vereinbart werden
Die sieben größten Industriestaaten und Russland (G-8) wollen die Treibhausgase bis 2050 halbieren. Dieses langfristige Ziel soll beim G-8-Gipfel der Staats- und Regierungschefs vereinbart werden, sagte der japanische Umweltminister Ichiro Kamoshita am Montag nach Abschluss dreitägiger Beratungen der G-8-Umweltminister im japanischen Kobe. Das sei der "starke politische Wille".
26.05.08, © Der Standard

World Bank to Raise $5.5 Billion for Climate Funds
The World Bank will raise at least $5.5 billion with the U.S., U.K. and Japan this year for climate change funds that will help poor nations use clean technology and tackle global warming, its vice president said.
25.05.08, © Bloomberg

G8 greenhouse gases down in 2006, only Russia up
Greenhouse gas emissions by all the Group of Eight industrial nations except Russia fell in 2006 in the broadest dip since the world started trying to slow climate change in 1990, a Reuters survey showed on Friday. Rising oil prices, some measures to curb global warming and a milder winter in the United States in 2006 that depressed energy demand for heating all contributed to an overall 0.6 percent dip in G8 emissions in 2006 from 2005.
23.05.08, © Reuters

EU Says `No-Lose' Carbon Limits May Lure Poor Nations
The European Union may entice developing nations including China into a global climate agreement by setting ``no-lose'' greenhouse-gas targets, which offer incentives to cut emissions and no penalty for failure.
22.05.08, ©

Japan aims to cut emissions by 60-80 pct by 2050: reports
Japan aims to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by between 60 and 80 percent by 2050, news reports said on Sunday, as part of measures setting out the country's long term environmental goals. Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda is expected to announce the target as early as June, the Nikkei and Asahi Shimbun newspapers said.
12.05.08, © AFP

McCain Says China Must Play Equal Role on Emissions
China and India must take equal responsibility with the U.S. and other industrialized nations in cutting global warming pollution, Republican presidential candidate John McCain said.
12.05.08, ©

PREVIEW-EU lawmakers to mull mandatory CO2 capture by 2025
European lawmakers will consider forcing EU power stations to trap all emissions of CO2 by 2025 when they meet on Monday to discuss new laws on carbon capture and storage (CCS).
CCS is designed to take CO2 emissions from power plants and heavy industry and store it underground, and is seen as a possible silver bullet in the fight against climate change.
02.05.08, © Reuters

Fukuda, Hu to Issue Climate Change Statement in Tokyo
Japan and China are preparing a joint statement on climate change for Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to Tokyo next week, Japan's chief government spokesman said.
02.05.08, ©

China will go further in climate change talks, UN official says
The impact of climate change on China's environment will likely lead Beijing to make greater concessions in negotiations on a new global warming pact, a senior UN official said Thursday.
24.04.08, © Yahoo News

China 'now top carbon polluter'
China has already overtaken the US as the world's "biggest polluter", a report to be published next month says. The research suggests the country's greenhouse gas emissions have been underestimated, and probably passed those of the US in 2006-2007.
14.04.08, © BBC News

Bangkok: Luft- und Schifffahrt sollen überprüft werden
In den Verhandlungen über ein Nachfolgeabkommen für das Kyoto-Klimaschutzprotokoll sind die Vertreter von mehr als 160 Ländern einen kleinen Schritt weitergekommen: Zum Abschluss ihrer fünftägigen Beratungen in der thailändischen Hauptstadt Bangkok vereinbarten sie am Freitag eine Überprüfung darüber, wie sich der CO2-Ausstoß in Luft- und Schifffahrt reduzieren lässt.
04.04.08, © Der Standard

Bangkok climate talks set programme for Bali Action plan
The Bangkok talks, coming three months after a landmark agreement was reached in Bali to set a road map for strengthening international action on climate change, was tasked with setting the agenda for talks to be concluded next year on concrete plans to halt increases in global carbon emissions by 2015 and dramatically cut them by 2050.
04.04.08, © The Earth Times

Industrial CO2 emissions to fall as tougher EU curbs come in
The European Union published yesterday its annual compilation of the carbon emissions of 10,500 power plants and factories that fall under the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), the system designed to help the bloc meet ambitious CO2 reduction targets by putting a price on pollution. Though not fully complete, the data provides clear evidence that energy bills are set to soar as lower emissions' targets push up the price of carbon permits.
03.04.08, © The Independent

World should halve greenhouse gases by 2050: U.N.
A new U.N. treaty to fight climate change should aim to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, the U.N.'s top climate change official said on Friday.
28.03.08, © Reuters

Bangkok UN Climate Change Talks Set to Lay Out Work Plan for Negotiations Leading up to Copenhagen Agreement
A next round of UN-sponsored global climate change negotiations - the Bangkok Climate Change Talks 2008 - is set to begin in Bangkok, Thailand on 31 March 2008. These talks will move forward a set of decisions called the “Bali Roadmap”, adopted at the UN Climate Change Conference held in Bali in December 2007.
26.03.08, © UNFCCC

EU leaders aim to seal climate action plan this year
European Union leaders were set Friday to agree to enact an ambitious global warming action plan by early next year, in order to set the tone for international climate talks in 2009.
14.03.08, © Yahoo News

Japan climate talks to tackle industrial emissions
The world's top greenhouse gas polluters will try to work out ways to curb carbon emissions from industries and fund cleaner energy projects for poorer nations when they gather in Japan from Friday.The G20, ranging from top polluters the United States and China to Indonesia, Brazil and South Africa, emit about 80 percent of mankind's greenhouse gases.
13.03.08, © Reuters

EU to adopt climate fight plan despite differences
European Union environment ministers expect to approve pivotal plans by December to combat climate change, despite differences over plans for energy-intensive industries and the sustainability of biofuels.
03.03.08, © The Guardian

Only Austria and Denmark meet carbon deadline
Just two countries have so far met a deadline on Thursday to allocate to their industry permits to emit carbon dioxide, the European Union's executive Commission said, likely delaying a 2008 carbon spot market.
28.02.08, © Planet Ark

Japan arranging climate change summit: official
Japan said on Thursday it was arranging a meeting of national leaders to address climate change as it prepares to hold the Group of Eight summit of major industrial economies this summer. A newspaper report said Japan has invited heads of state and government from 16 nations, which together account for 80 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, for parallel talks to the G8 summit.
28.02.08, © Reuters

EU governments start tough climate change talks
European Union governments raised a string of objections on Thursday to the bloc's flagship plan on fighting climate change, promising tough negotiations on carbon dioxide emission curbs and the use of renewable energy.
28.02.08, © The Straits Times

US ready for 'binding' reductions of greenhouse gases: official
The United States is ready to accept "binding international obligations" to reduce greenhouse gases, which could be announced as soon as July, a senior White House official said here Monday.
25.02.08, © AFP

Australia urged to take lead on climate change
Australia is more vulnerable economically than most wealthy nations to the effects of climate change, according to a new report.The report recommends that Australia play a leading role in international negotiations on mitigating climate change and be ready to make firm commitments to reduce carbon emissions beyond any country's current targets.
22.02.08, © New Scientist Environment

Japan Considers Launch of `Cap-and-Trade' Emission Structure
Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda's government is considering introducing a cap-and-trade system to set limits on greenhouse gas emissions for companies and encourage trading in carbon credits.
20.02.08, © Bloomber

EU seals landmark climate change deal with Taiwan
On Monday, The WU signed a pioneering pact which is designed to provide better quality data on air pollution. The agreement, with Taiwan, is funded under the so-called ‘Iagos’ project (in-service aircraft for global observing system)
18.02.08, ©

U.N. urges Japan to push for G8 emissions targets
The United Nations' top climate change official on Thursday called on Tokyo to push for ambitious midterm emissions targets at the G8 summit to be held in northern Japan in July.
14.02.08, © Reuters

First rainforest-for-carbon-credits deal becomes a reality
Villagers in Aceh, the Indonesian province that suffered through three decades of civil war and lost some 170,000 people to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, could soon see $26 million in carbon credits for protecting rainforests from logging under a deal announced today between conservationists, carbon traders, and the Aceh government.
07.02.08, ©

Hawaii hosts Bush climate talks
Climate experts from 16 of the world's largest economies are in Hawaii for the second in the series of President Bush's Major Economies Meetings.
30.01.08, © BBC

Business Leaders in Davos Call for a Clear Post-2012 Climate Change Agreement
Leading business figures expect clear results from a
future framework agreement that includes internationally agreed emission targets to optimize its
contribution to tackling climate change, guide investment decisions and avoid market
25.01.08, © IETA

The "Climate action and renewable energy package"
On 23 January 2008 the European Commission put forward a far-reaching package committing to reduce its overall emissions to at least 20% below 1990 levels by 2020. It has also set itself the target of increasing the share of renewables in energy use to 20% by 2020. The "Climate action and renewable energy package" sets out the contribution expected from each Member State to meeting these targets and proposes a series of measures to help achieve them.
23.01.08, © EU

Videos von der Präsentation des Klima- und Energiepakets
23.01.08, © EU

Why new EU states can emit more
It may seem unfair but while the old countries of the EU are facing demands to slash their carbon emissions, the opposite is true for the new member states. The European Commission has announced national targets for each country, which will mean that the poorer the nation, the easier the ride.
23.01.08, © BBC

Japan 'preparing climate package'
Japan is to set aside $10bn (£5.1bn) over the next five years to help developing countries fight global warming, a newspaper has reported.
The aid would aim to cut greenhouse gas emissions in nations like Indonesia and China, the Nikkei business daily said.
10.01.08, © BBC


Japan übernimmt von Deutschland G-8-Vorsitz - Klimaschutz Top-Thema
Höhepunkt nach einer ganzen Serie von Konferenzen im G8-Rahmen wird das Gipfeltreffen der Staats- und Regierungschefs vom 7. bis 9. Juli auf Japans nördlichster Hauptinsel Hokkaido sein. Die neue Regierung von Premier Yasuo Fukuda will an den vorherigen Gipfel in Heiligendamm sowie die kürzliche Klimakonferenz von Bali anknüpfen und den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel voranbringen.
31.12.07, © CO2

EU agrees to reduce airline emissions from 2012
EU environment ministers meeting in Brussels on Thursday (20 December) agreed that restrictions should be put on carbon dioxide emissions from air planes from 2012.
21.12.07, © EU Observer

EU faces showdown over car CO2 emissions
The European Commission faces a showdown between industrial and environmental champions on Wednesday over how to cut emissions of carbon dioxide from cars to fight climate change without harming European carmakers.
18.12.07, © Reuters

Australian PM ratifies Kyoto Protocol
Labor Party leader Kevin Rudd became Australia's 26th prime minister Monday and immediately began dismantling the former government's policies by ratifying the Kyoto Protocol on climate change.
02.12.07, © AFP

EU within reach of Kyoto targets
The EU-15 can meet, and may even over-shoot, its 2012 Kyoto target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 8 % below 1990 levels if Member States implement now all additional policies being planned, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA), released today in Copenhagen.
27.11.07, © EEA

Australia's PM-elect gears to ratify Kyoto
Australia's prime minister-elect Kevin Rudd has begun preparations to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and attend next month's climate change talks in Bali, leaving US President George W. Bush isolated in his battle against international action on climate change.
25.11.07, © Earth Times

UNFCCC: Emissions of industrialized countries rose to all time high in 2005
According to data submitted to the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the total greenhouse gas emissions of 40 industrialized countries rose to an all-time high in 2005, continuing the upward trend of the year before.
20.11.07, © UNFCCC

UN-Klimarat legt Abschlussbericht vor
UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki Moon hat die politischen Führer der Welt eindringlich aufgerufen, die Gefahren des Klimawandels schnellstmöglich und mit aller Entschiedenheit zu bekämpfen. "Die Nachricht kann nicht einfacher sein", sagte er bei der Präsentation der Zusammenfassung des diesjährigen Weltklimareportes am Samstag in Valencia. "Die Gefahren sind real und können einfach bekämpft werden."
18.11.07, © Der Standard

China set to exceed renewables target
China has a fast-growing renewable energy sector and the country is likely to achieve – and may even exceed – its target to obtain 15 per cent of its energy from renewables by 2020, according to a report by the Worldwatch Institute, an independent research group that concentrates on environmental, social and economic trends.
16.11.07, © The Independent

Midwestern US states sign climate accord
Governors of nine states in the US Midwest signed a climate stewardship accord Thursday aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the use of non-renewable energy.
16.11.07, © AFP

China to reject binding emissions caps, Europe says
China will not accept binding emissions caps in any pact to tackle global warming, a European Parliament team said on Wednesday, but added the bigger obstacle was those countries who might refuse to join the fight at all.
07.11.07, © Reuters

UN Climate Chief Confident on Bali Progress
The UN's top climate change official said on Tuesday he was confident world governments meeting in Bali next month would finally begin negotiations on mapping out a second plan to fight global warming
07.11.07, © Planet Ark

Rich Nations' Climate Emissions Up, Near Record
Rich nations' greenhouse gas emissions rose near to an all-time high in 2005, led by US and Russian gains despite curbs meant to slow global warming, UN data showed.
06.11.07, © Planet Ark

US edges towards cap on greenhouse gases
The US yesterday took a first step towards mandatory controls on greenhouse gas emissions, in direct defiance of the Bush administration's policy on climate change.
Yesterday's vote in a Senate subcommittee marks the first US move towards European-style policies. Although the caps on emissions approved do not go as far as those in Europe, environmental campaigners said they marked a decisive break with the administration's policies.
02.11.07, © Guardian Unlimited

Carbon partnership hopes to go global
A coalition of European countries, U.S. states, Canadian provinces and New Zealand signed a partnership on Monday to slow global warming through an international carbon trading market, officials said on Monday.
29.10.07, © Reuters

Brussels gets tough on CO2 emissions
Tougher limits on carbon emissions were set on Friday by the European Commission in an effort to strengthen its efforts to combat climate change. The levels were fixed following a decision on ­Bulgaria and Romania’s ­carbon limits – the final two plans to be set by the commission.
26.10.07, © Financial Times

Paris suggests EU tax on imports from non-Kyoto states
France has thrown its support behind a European Commission idea to tax environment polluters and also urged Brussels to consider EU levies for imports from non-Kyoto countries, such as the US and Australia.
26.10.07, © EU Observer

UN Climate Chief Looks for Bali Breakthrough
Global warming talks in Bali in December need to make a breakthrough or international efforts to limit greenhouse gases could be in "deep trouble", the top UN climate official said on Friday.
22.10.07, © Planet Ark

Nobelkomitee ehrt Klimaschutz
Der diesjährige Friedensnobelpreis geht an den früheren US-Vizepräsidenten Al Gore und den UNO-Klimarat IPCC. Das teilte das Nobelkomitee am Freitag in Oslo mit.
12.10.07, © ORF

Indonesia seeks payout to save forests
Indonesia wants to be paid $5-$20 per hectare not to destroy its remaining forests, the environment minister said on Monday, for the first time giving an actual figure that he wants the world's rich countries to pay.
08.10.07, © Reuters

Voluntary, then mandatory path for CO2 scheme-Japan
Japan wants to impose mandatory caps on industrial emissions of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, and plans to expand a voluntary scheme as a first step, its Environment Minister said on Friday.
05.10.07, © Reuters UK

UN Climate Chief Wants Bali Conference to Set Deadline for Emissions Talks
Participants at a climate treaty conference -- meant to launch negotiations for an emission-reduction agreement -- must set a deadline for those talks to avoid a protracted, WTO-style process, the U.N. climate chief said Thursday.
04.10.07, © Yahoo

Democrats eye key climate summit
A team of leading US Democrats is planning to send a delegation to a key UN climate conference to rival President Bush's official team.
04.10.07, © BBC

Indonesia seeks payout to save forests
Indonesia wants to be paid $5-$20 per hectare not to destroy its remaining forests, the environment minister said on Monday, for the first time giving an actual figure that he wants the world's rich countries to pay.
08.10.07, © Reuters

Voluntary, then mandatory path for CO2 scheme-Japan
Japan wants to impose mandatory caps on industrial emissions of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, and plans to expand a voluntary scheme as a first step, its Environment Minister said on Friday.
05.10.07, © Reuters UK

UN Climate Chief Wants Bali Conference to Set Deadline for Emissions Talks
Participants at a climate treaty conference -- meant to launch negotiations for an emission-reduction agreement -- must set a deadline for those talks to avoid a protracted, WTO-style process, the U.N. climate chief said Thursday.
04.10.07, © Yahoo

Democrats eye key climate summit
A team of leading US Democrats is planning to send a delegation to a key UN climate conference to rival President Bush's official team.
04.10.07, © BBC

Bush's voluntary targets for emissions fail to win support
Bush called on the world's largest producers of CO2 to set a voluntary goal for reducing the gasses that are causing the planet to heat up. If there was progress, it was that he didn't exempt the US from the list.
29.09.07, © The Independent

Neuseeland setzt bei Strom ab 2025 voll auf erneuerbare Energien
Neuseeland will als erstes Land der Welt bis 2025 mindestens 90 Prozent seines Strombedarfs durch erneuerbare Energien decken. Dieses Ziel steckt sich die Regierung in ihrer am Donnerstag veröffentlichten neuen Klimastrategie. Im Januar solle zudem der Handel mit Emissionszertifikaten beginnen.
20.09.07, ©

UN chief upbeat after climate forum
World leaders have called for progress on tackling climate change at a high level meeting on the issue at the United Nations.
Ban Ki-moon, secretary-general of the UN, said he was “extremely encouraged” by the commitments made this week at the meeting to seek a successor to the Kyoto protocol, the main provisions of which expire in 2012.
25.09.07, © Financial Times

UN-Klimagipfel: „Action, Action, Action“
Mit Schwarzenegger und Gusenbauer drängten gleich zwei Österreicher die Vereinten Nationen zum Schutz der Umwelt. Typischer hätte Arnold Schwarzenegger seinen Aufruf gegen die globale Erwärmung nicht machen können: „Was wir jetzt brauchen, ist Action, Action, Action“, meinte der kalifornische Gouverneur österreichischer Abstammung am Montag beim UN-Klimagipfel in New York.
24.09.07, © Die Presse

The Future in our Hands: Addressing the Leadership Challenge of Climate Change
UN Secretary-General convenes world leaders to build momentum for climate change talks in Bali

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will seek to advance the global agenda on climate change when he meets with heads of state and other top officials from more than 150 countries at United Nations Headquarters on 24 September. More than 70 heads of state or government will attend the one-day event, making it the largest meeting ever of world leaders on climate change.
21.09.07, © UN

Door Open for Greater US Role - UN Climate Chief
Moves by China, India and other developing countries to join the effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions have lifted a barrier to an expanded US role in the process, the top UN climate official said on Wednesday.
20.09.07, © Planet Ark

EU droht Autoindustrie mit Klima-Strafen
Neuwagen sollen ab 2012 ein Viertel weniger Kohlendioxid ausstoßen als bisher. Deutsche Autohersteller haben da Bedenken. EU-Kommissar Dimas besteht allerdings auf die Einhaltung der neuen europäischen Kohlendioxid-Grenzwerte.
09.09.07, ©

Apec leaders reach climate deal
Asia-Pacific leaders meeting in Sydney have agreed an "aspirational" goal to restrain the rise of greenhouse gas emissions to tackle climate change.
08.09.07, © BBC

More than 50 world leaders to attend UN climate change meet
More than 50 world leaders have agreed to attend a climate change meeting to be hosted by UN chief Ban Ki-moon here on the eve of the General Assembly later this month, an official said Tuesday.
04.09.07, © AFP

Vienna Climate Change Talks to set stage for UN Climate Change Conference in Bali
Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol are preparing to meet from 27 to 31 August 2007 in Vienna, Austria for a round of climate change talks designed to set the stage for a United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali (3 to 14 December). The Bali meeting will in turn be a decisive step in determining the future of global action on mitigation, adaptation, the global carbon market and financing responses to climate change.
13.08.07, © UNFCCC

Japan könnte Kyoto-Ziele nicht erreichen
Japan wird nach aktuellem Wissensstand in den kommenden Jahren so viel Treibhausgas ausstoßen, dass es die Klimaschutzziele aus dem Kyoto-Protokoll verfehlen könnte.
10.08.07, © Der Standard

Bush Sets Emissions Summit
President Bush yesterday formally invited top officials from the world's leading economic powers to take part in a climate change summit aimed at establishing voluntary goals for lowering greenhouse gas emissions while sustaining growth.
02.08.07, © Washington Post

U.N. climate chief skeptical about global carbon tax
Top U.N. climate change official voiced doubt on Wednesday about a global tax on carbon, but said national taxes were possible and laws to cap global warming emissions were better for business. "I personally am skeptical on the notion of global carbon taxes," said Yvo de Boer, who heads the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.
02.08.07, © Reuters UK

1st plenary session on climate change to kick off Tuesday at U.N.
The U.N. General Assembly is set to begin Tuesday its first ever plenary session focused on climate change in efforts to garner a "broad political consensus" from countries to tackle the issue that has global ramifications.
31.07.07, © Yahoo News

Brazil, Alarmed, Reconsiders Policy on Climate Change
Alarmed at recent indications of climate change here in the Amazon and in other regions of Brazil, the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has begun showing signs of new flexibility in the tangled, politically volatile international negotiations to limit human-caused global warming.
31.07.07, © Climate Ark

UN members to table climate change plans
UN member states will, between 31 July and 1 August in New York, US, present their national strategies and commitments to address the adverse effects of climate change.
23.07.07, © Panapress

U.N. chief will ask President George W. Bush to give top level support to U.N. meeting on climate change
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he will ask U.S. President George W. Bush on Tuesday to have a top U.S. official attend a high-level U.N. meeting on climate change in September because "American participation is crucially important."
16.07.07, © IHT

Schwarzenegger urges U.S. states to push Washington on climate change
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger urged U.S. states Friday to pressure Washington to do more to prevent climate change, discounting the argument that protecting the environment hurts the economy.
13.07.07, © Herald Tribune

India to chart strategy on climate change
India will prepare a national strategy on climate change before the next round of multilateral negotiations under the UN's convention on climate change is held in December.
10.07.07, © The Times of India

China rejects binding target to cut greenhouse gas emissions
China will not agree any form of binding target to reduce its soaring greenhouse gas emissions as part of a new international deal on climate change, a senior official confirmed yesterday.
06.06.07, © Guardian

Schweiz führt CO2-Abgabe auf Brennstoffe ab Januar 2008 ein
Die CO2-Emissionen aus Brennstoffen sind im Jahr 2006 gegenüber 1990 um 4,6 Prozent zurückgegangen. Damit wurde das von Parlament und Bundesrat definierte Emissionsreduktionsziel Aus diesem Grund wird ab Januar 2008 eine CO2-Abgabe auf fossile Brennstoffe (Heizöl, Erdgas) von 12 Franken pro Tonne CO2-Emissionen erhoben.
29.06.07, © Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU, Schweiz

Key U.S. senators reach deal on CO2 emissions
A U.S. Senate panel on Wednesday began drawing up a sweeping law that ould put mandatory caps on greenhouse gas emissions after a key Republican endorsed the idea.
28.06.07, © Reuters

Schwarzenegger says US must cut emissions before China does
The US must begin to cut emissions of greenhouse gases before it can expect developing nations such as China and India to do so, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said. President George W Bush has refused to commit the US to absolute cuts in emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases blamed for global warming, citing the potential damage to the economy.
27.06.07, © Bloomberg

Australia, EU agree to climate talks
Australia and the European Union have agreed to hold regular talks on climate change, an issue on which they are often poles apart.
25.06.07, © AAP

China overtakes US as world's biggest CO2 emitter
China has overtaken the United States as the world's biggest producer of carbon dioxide, the chief greenhouse gas, figures released today show.
19.06.07, © The Guardian

Russia Plans to Start Trading Kyoto Quotas in 2008
Russia plans to start trading its greenhouse emission quotas in 2008 once it has met all eligibility requirements needed to implement the Kyoto mechanisms, a senior Russian official said on Friday.
18.06.07, © Planet Ark

Climate summit calls for post-Kyoto 'road map'
Delegates from 28 countries called Thursday for the creation of a "road map" at a climate summit in December to chart the future following the expiration of the 1997 Kyoto agreement.
Negotiations will resume on the Indonesian island of Bali in December.
14.06.07, © Yahoo News

Emissions fell slightly in the EU during '05
Greenhouse gas emissions from the European Union dropped slightly in 2005, the latest year for which full data is available, the European Environment Agency is reporting.
13.06.07, © IHT

UN high-level meet on climate change in September
The United Nations will hold a special high-level meeting on climate change at New York on September 24, just ahead of opening of this year's annual debate of world leaders in the General Assembly on international issues.
09.06.07, © The Hindu News

Australia to launch carbon trading scheme by 2012
Australian Prime Minister John Howard pledged on Sunday to establish a national carbon trading scheme by 2012 to cut the country's greenhouse gas emissions, calling it the most momentous economic challenge of our time.
03.06.07, © Reuters

EU governments seek new design for CO2 trade schemeEuropean
Union nations are moving closer to redesigning the bloc's emissions trading scheme to force industry to pay more to emit carbon dioxide and hand Brussels greater authority to set EU-wide emissions caps.
03.06.07, © Reuters

China's climate change plan due ahead of G8 summit
China will release its first national plan to tackle climate change next week, seeking to rebut international criticism that it is not doing enough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, officials said on Thursday.
31.05.07, © Reuters

US to make counter-proposal on climate change - report
The United States will call at the upcoming G8 summit for a new accord on climate change that binds only the countries that contribute most to the phenomenon, the German press said on Wednesday.
30.05.07, © Forbes

India Says Emissions Will Fall by 25 Pct by 2020
India said on Monday its existing energy policy would cut its greenhouse gas emissions by over 25 percent by 2020, but warned pressure to set mandatory targets to curb global warming would hurt economic growth.
29.05.07, © Reuters

Treibhausgase: USA bekämpfen Merkels Klimaschutz-Initiative
Die deutsche Kanzlerin will beim G-8-Gipfeltreffen die Weichen für ein Nachfolge-Abkommen zum Klimaschutz-Protokoll von Kyoto stellen. Die USA betrachten den Klimawandel bloß als "langfristiges Thema".
21.05.07, © Die Presse

INTERVIEW-Kyoto nations seek deeper greenhouse gas cuts
Industrial nations in the Kyoto Protocol want deeper cuts in greenhouse gas emissions beyond 2012 despite uncertainty over whether outsiders will join the U.N. pact, the head of a U.N. group said on Friday.
Leon Charles, heading a group of government experts from Kyoto countries, also said that 166-nation talks in Bonn reaffirmed there should be a seamless transition from a first period of Kyoto ending in 2012 and new rules from 2013.
18.05.07, © Reuters

Bush Calls For Cuts In Vehicle Emissions
With gasoline prices spiraling to record highs last week and a recent Supreme Court ruling requiring executive action to restrict global warming gases, President Bush yesterday ordered four federal agencies to draw up regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cars and trucks by the end of his administration.
15.05.07, © Washington Post

Klima-Gipfel um verschmutzteste Städte der Welt
Globaler Klimaschutz auf kommunaler Ebene: Die Bürgermeister von 46 Städten beraten in New York, wie sie die Luftqualität verbessern können
14.05.07, © Der Standard

U.S. greenhouse gas emissions up
U.S. and Russian greenhouse gas emissions rose in 2005, more than cancelling out a dip in the European Union's emissions despite growing calls to limit global warming, official data shows.
09.05.07, © Reuters

Delegates work on climate change accord
More than 1,000 diplomats have begun working on a new accord to control greenhouse gases, with developing countries calling for more money and expertise to help them fight the potentially catastrophic effects of global warming.
08.05.07, © Yahoo News

UN secretary general appoints three special envoys on climate change
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday announced the appointment of three special envoys on climate change, posts which the world body said his commitment to the pressing problem of global warming.
0105.07, © IHT

Canada promises pollution curbs, emission cuts
The Canadian government promised curbs on industrial pollution and new energy standards for cars and appliances on Thursday in a plan it says will bring greenhouse gas emissions 20 percent below 2006 levels by 2020.
26.04.07, © Yahoo Canada

Weltklimarat urgiert weltweite Eindämmung der Treibhausgase
Die katastrophalen Folgen des Klimawandels lassen sich nach Einschätzung des Weltklimarats (IPCC) nur mit einem schnellen und weltweiten Einsatz zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgase eindämmen. Energiesparen und eine Abkehr von Kohlendioxid-lastigen Methoden der Energiegewinnung stünden an vorderster Stelle der dringendsten Schritte, heißt es in einem der Nachrichtenagentur AP vorliegenden Entwurf zum dritten Teil des IPCC-Berichts, der am 4. Mai in Bangkok veröffentlicht werden soll.
25.04.07, © Der Standard

Abe, Bush to work on post-Kyoto strategy
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and US President George W Bush are set to agree in their summit next week to boost cooperation to fight global warming beyond the 2012 timeframe set under the Kyoto Protocol, Japanese government sources say.
22.04.07, © AAP

Norwegen will erster "Nullemissionsstaat" werden
Norwegen setzt sich ehrgeizige Klimaschutzziele: Bis 2020 will das Land seinen Ausstoß an klimaschädlichen Treibhausgasen um ein Drittel senken und bis 2050 eine Klimagasbilanz von null erreichen.
20.04.07, © ORF

China rejects carbon caps
China aims to nearly halve by 2020 the amount of greenhouse gases it emits for each dollar of its economy, but will reject strict caps for decades, a copy of a national global warming assessment seen by Reuters shows.
16.04.07, © Reuters

U.N. chief eyes climate change summit: paper
The United Nations is contemplating a high-level meeting on climate change this year, which could lead to a world summit by 2009, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told the Financial Times.
11.04.07, © Reuters

EU 2006 Carbon Data Show Emission Targets Too Lax
The European Union handed out too many free emissions permits to heavy industry in 2006, undermining the first phase of the bloc's flagship weapon against climate change, preliminary data showed on Monday.
03.04.07, © Planet Ark

Supreme Court rules against Bush in global warming case
In a defeat for the Bush administration, the Supreme Court ruled on Monday that a U.S. government agency has the power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions that spur global warming.
03.04.07, © Reuters

China könnte bald der weltgrößte CO2-Produzent sein
China wird womöglich schon in diesem Jahr die USA als weltgrößter Produzent des Klimakillers Kohlendioxid (CO2) überholen. Darauf wies der Wissenschaftler Gregg Marland vom US-Informationsanalysezentrum für Kohlendioxid (CDIAC) am Freitag hin.
23.03.07, © Der Standard

Strategie gegen Klimawandel bei G8-Treffen gesucht
Die Umweltminister der acht wichtigsten Industrieländer suchen gemeinsam mit ihren Amtskollegen aus großen Schwellenländern eine Strategie gegen den Klimawandel. Die zweitägigen Beratungen wurden am Freitag aufgenommen.
16.03.07, © Der Standard

Britain proposes bold environmental legislation that could pave way for post-Kyoto pact
Britain's government proposed bold new environmental legislation that would set legally binding, long-term limits on carbon emissions — a move it hopes will prompt the United States, China and India to follow suit.
13.03.07, © The Guardian

Kempfert: EU-Klimabeschluss Schub für erneuerbare Energien
Der Beschluss des EU-Gipfels zum Klimaschutz wird nach Einschätzung der Energieexpertin Claudia Kemfert den erneuerbaren Energien einen «unglaublichen Schub» geben.
10.03.07, © DPA

Merkel jubelt über Durchbruch im Klimastreit
Die EU will zum Kurswechsel in der Klimapolitik durchstarten. Von einem "Durchbruch" sprach Angela Merkel heute morgen erleichtert beim Gipfel in Brüssel. Die Kanzlerin legte einen Entwurf zum verbindlichen Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien vor.
09.03.07, © Der Spiegel

EU will Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen stark senken
Erster Erfolg auf dem EU-Gipfel: Die Mitgliedstaaten werden sich voraussichtlich darauf einigen, bis 2020 insgesamt 20 Prozent weniger klimaschädliche Treibhausgase auszustoßen. Im Streit um erneuerbare Energien ist allerdings kaum Bewegung in Sicht
08.03.07, © Der Spiegel

USA und China erwarten weiteren Anstieg von Treibhausgas-Ausstoß
Ungeachtet einer drohenden globalen Klimakatastrophe wird der Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen in den USA und China nach Schätzungen beider Länder in den kommenden Jahren weiter wachsen. Die chinesische Regierung rechnet damit, dass die Emission von Treibhausgasen wie Kohlendioxid (CO2) im Land noch bis 2030 ansteigt.
04.03.07, © DPA

Climate Change as Dangerous as War - UN Chief Ban
Climate change poses as much danger to the world as war, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Thursday as he urged the United States to take the lead in the fight against global warming.
02.03.07, © Reuters

AP Interview: German minister suggests anchoring climate protection in EU constitution
Germany's environment minister on Monday suggested anchoring the aim of protecting the world's climate in a future European Union constitution, a move that he said could help improve the EU's popularity.
26.02.07, © The Associated Press

EU will bis 2020 CO2-Ausstoß um 20 Prozent reduzieren
Die EU will den Ausstoß der Treibhausgase bis 2020 um mindestens 20 Prozent unter das Niveau von 1990 reduzieren, egal ob es eine internationale Vereinbarung für die Zeit nach 2012 gibt oder nicht. Darauf haben sich am Dienstag nach längeren Beratungen die Umweltminister einstimmig geeinigt.
20.02.07, © ORF

Is U.S. near a tipping point on global warming?
U.S. policy on global warming seems headed for a tipping point, with politicians, business leaders and economists joining environmentalists to call for new laws to limit greenhouse gases that spur climate change.
19.02.07, © Reuters

EU einig über Ziele für künftigen Klimaschutz zurück
Die EU-Staaten haben sich auf zentrale Eckpunkte der künftigen Klimaschutzpolitik geeinigt.
Aus Kreisen des heutigen Umweltministertreffens verlautete, dass alle Länder eine einseitige Senkung des Ausstoßes von Treibhausgasen bis 2020 um 20 Prozent unterstützen.
20.02.07, © ORF News

Britain's Blair sees chance of G8 post-Kyoto deal
British Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Sunday there was a real chance industrialized countries could agree the outline of a deal to succeed the Kyoto Protocol on curbing greenhouse gas emissions at a June summit.
18.02.07, © Reuters

Politicians sign new climate pact
Leading international politicians have reached a new agreement on tackling climate change, at a Washington summit.
16.02.07, © BBC

Kommission plant Rechtsrahmen, um die Erfüllung der EU-Ziele für geringere CO2-Emissionen von Kraftfahrzeugen sicherzustellen
Die Europäische Kommission hat heute eine umfassende neue Strategie vorgeschlagen, mit der die Kohlendioxidemissionen (CO2) der in der Europäischen Union verkauften Neuwagen (PKW und Kleintransporter) verringert werden sollen.
07.02.07, © European Commission

Neue UN-Umweltorganisation soll gegen globale Erwärmung kämpfen
Eine schlagkräftige Umweltorganisation der Vereinten Nationen soll nach dem Willen von 46 Staaten den Kampf gegen die globale Erwärmung aufnehmen. Ihre Regierungen, darunter stellten sich am Samstag zum Abschluss einer zweitägigen Konferenz in Paris hinter die Initiative des französischen Staatspräsidenten Jacques Chirac, das UN-Umweltprogramm (UNEP) zu stärken.
04.02.07, © FAZ

US-Regierung lehnt nach UNO-Klimabericht einseitige Maßnahmen ab
Die US-Regierung hat sich in einer Reaktion auf den neuen UNO-Bericht über die Erderwärmung gegen einseitige Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels ausgesprochen. Der US-Anteil am Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen sei nur "gering, wenn man sich den Rest der Welt ansieht", sagte US-Energieminister Sam Bodman am Freitag.
03.02.07, © Der Standard

U.N. agency pressures Ban on climate crisis summit
The U.N. environment agency pressured Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday to call an emergency climate summit amid dire reports about the risks from global warming.
A summit, tentatively planned for September, would focus on the hunt for a successor to the Kyoto Protocol on cutting greenhouse gases widely blamed for forecasts of more heatwaves, floods, droughts and rising sea levels.
30.01.07, © Reuters

Emerging economies are under pressure to cut emission
As U.S. presidential candidates rush to embrace environmentalism ahead of the 2008 election, the spotlight is suddenly falling on the need for major emerging economies like China and India to cut emissions too ? raising new questions about whether a truly global agreement on climate change will remain hot air.
25.01.07, © IHT

Tokyo climate change meeting eyes post-Kyoto rules
Senior officials from advanced and developing countries met in Tokyo on Wednesday to start work on a follow-up agreement to the Kyoto Protocol on climate change.
24.01.07, © Reuters

Klimapolitik spaltet Europa
Klima-, Energie- und Verkehrspolitik lösen Kontroversen zwischen Politik und Wirtschaft aus. Die EU hat ihn 2007 den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel zu ihren Top-Zielen erklärt. Heikel wird es aber, sobald auf Worte Taten folgen: Industrievertreter und die ihnen nahe stehenden Politiker protestieren zunehmend lautstark gegen zu strenge Vorgaben aus Brüssel. Befürchtet werden zu hohe Produktionskosten und Nachteile im globalen Wettbewerb.
23.01.07, © Die Presse

California Governor Sets Low Carbon Fuel Standard
Electric, hybrid and hydrogen vehicles got a power boost today as California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed an Executive Order establishing the world's first greenhouse gas standard for transportation fuels - the Low Carbon Fuel Standard.
18.01.07, © ENS

EU makes climate change centre of foreign policy
Global warming has moved to the heart of European foreign policy, the EU executive's top diplomat said on Thursday, warning of a climate disaster if China and other big greenhouse gas producers are not transformed.
18.01.07, © Reuters

Limiting Global Climate Change to 2 degrees Celsius
The Commission's central proposal is that, under a future global agreement, the group of developed countries should cut their emissions of CO2 and other 'greenhouse gases' responsible for warming the planet to an average of 30% below 1990 levels by 2020. The EU should take the lead by committing autonomously to reduce its own emissions by at least 20% by 2020 ? a cut that should be increased to 30% as part of a satisfactory global agreement.
10.01.07, © European Comission

EU to Make New Climate Change Commitment with Cuts
Europe will seek to spearhead the fight against global warming this week when the European Commission proposes a bold unilateral cut in greenhouse gas emissions as well as liberalisation of energy markets.
09.01.07, © Planet Ark

EU to call for a "new industrial revolution"
The European Commission will call next week for ?a new industrial revolution? in the energy sector to boost competition, protect the climate and ensure security of supply, a draft paper from the EU executive showed.
04.01.07, © Reuters


Austrian News on Climate Policy and Kyoto

PRÖLL: Österreich beim Ankauf der Emissionsreduktionseinheiten im Plan
Im Rahmen von JI/CDM weitere 2,4 Millionen Tonnen CO2-Emissionenreduktionseinheiten angekauft
Damit fehlen nur mehr 10 Millionen Tonnen des derzeitigen Ankaufsziels von 45 Millionen Tonnen Emissionsreduktionseinheiten für die Verpflichtungsperiode 2008 bis 2012. Das ist ein weiterer Schritt zur Erreichung des Kyoto-Ziels“, so Umweltminister Josef Pröll.
25.09.07, © Lebensministerium

220 Millionen Euro jährlich für Hochwasserschutz in Österreich
Seit dem verheerenden Jahrhunderthochwasser im Jahr 2002, das in den betroffenen Regionen beträchtliche Schäden verursacht hat, ist in Sachen Hochwasserschutz in Österreich viel geschehen.
Die aufgewendeten Mittel für Sofortmaßnahmen wurden um ein Vielfaches aufgestockt sowie unzählige präventive Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Bevölkerung gesetzt. Weiters hat sich Österreich an vielen internationalen und europaweiten Forschungsprojekten zum Thema Hochwasser-(Risiko-) Forschung beteiligt.
10.08.07, © CO2

PRÖLL: Weiteres Klimaschutz- und Energiepaket geschnürt
Mit dem neuen Klimaschutz- und Energiepaket wollen wir Energie aus Ökostrom weiter forcieren und die Energieeffizienz durch die Ausweitung des Contractings im Bundesbereich erhöhen. Durch die Ökologisierung der Beschaffung von Gütern und Dienstleistungen auf Bundesebene soll es weitere Impulse für die Wirtschaft geben. Darüber hinaus werden aus dem Klima- und Energiefonds Mittel zur Attraktivierung des öffentlichen Personennah- und Regionalverkehrs zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
10.07.07, © Lebensministerium

Ministerrat gibt Grünes Licht für Klima- und Energiefonds. Auch Novelle des Abfallwirtschaftsgesetzes beschlossen
"Der Klima- und Energiefonds ist die wichtigste energiepolitische Weichenstellung der vergangenen Jahrzehnte: mit diesem Fonds werden wir einen spürbaren Beitrag zur Verwirklichung einer nachhaltigen und umweltgerechten Energieversorgung leisten. Ziel ist es, die Energieeffizienz zu steigern und den Anteil erneuerbarer Energieträger an der Energieerzeugung zu steigern.
02.05.07, © Lebensministerium

EU-Klimapolitik: Energiewirtschaft und Industrie müssen 2,07 Mio. Tonnen CO2 nachliefern
Die EU-Kommission hat nach einem intensiven Stellungnahmeverfahren (39 Fragen an Österreich) jetzt ein Ergebnis zum Nationalen Allokationsplan II (NAP II) für die Jahre 2008 - 2012 vorliegen, das die Industrie und Energiewirtschaft um 6,3 % mehr fordert, als ursprünglich vorgesehen. Statt der Gesamtmenge an Zertifikaten von 32,8 Mio. Tonnen CO2 muss die Industrie und Energieerzeugung mit insgesamt 30,73 Mio. Tonnen auskommen. Die Reduktion um rund 2,07 Mio. Tonnen ist in Prozent ausgedrückt eine Reduktion von 6,31 %.
02.04.07, © Lebensministerium

Klimastrategie vom Ministerrat beschlossen
In seiner Sitzung am 21. März 2007 hat der Ministerrat die Österreichsche Klimastrategie beschlossen. Ziel ist, die im Rahmen des Kyoto-Protokolls vorgesehenen Verpflichtungen zur Reduktion von Treibhausgasemissionen zu erfüllen.
21.03.07, © Lebensministerium

Entwurf der nationalen Klimastrategie 2007
Die Österreichische Klimaschutzstrategie wird derzeit überarbeitet. Das Lebensministerium lädt zu einer breiten öffentlichen Diskussion des Entwurfs der Klimastrategie 2007 ein. Stellungnahmen, die bis zum 5. März 2007 einlangen, fließen in den Diskussionsprozess ein.
22.02.07, © Lebensministerium



International News on Climate Policy and Kyoto

EU tackles aircraft CO2 emissions
Airlines operating in the EU should pay for any increase in carbon emissions above current levels, the European Commission has proposed.
20.12.06, © BBC News

Environment Chief Seeks 30 Percent Emissions Cut
EU The European Union's environment chief said on Monday he will seek a 30 percent cut in EU greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 as the bloc tries to set an example for the world on how to fight global warming.
19.12.06, © Planet Ark

China Wants to Slow Growth in Carbon Emissions
China wants to slow its growth in carbon emissions, a top energy policy maker said on Tuesday, as the world's number two producer of greenhouse gases threatens to overtake the United States by 2009.
07.12.06, © Planet Ark

Miliband plans carbon trading 'credit cards' for everyone
Every citizen would be issued with a carbon "credit card" - to be swiped every time they bought petrol, paid an energy utility bill or booked an airline ticket - under a nationwide carbon rationing scheme that could come into operation within five years, according to a feasibility study commissioned by the environment secretary, David Miliband, and published today.
11.12.06, © The Guardian Unlimited

Germany Aims to Cap Airline's CO2 Emissions
Germany wants to cap carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from airlines flying into its territory and to make them join the EU emissions trading scheme, a minister was quoted as saying on Tuesday
06.12.06, © Planet Ark

US Democrats mull climate change
The issue of climate change and global warming hardly registered on the political radar in the United States during the recent Congressional elections.
02.12.06, © BBC

Industry Chief Backs "Realistic" EU Emissions Goal
The European Union's industry commissioner has urged the 25-nation bloc to set a "realistic unilateral" target for cutting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2020 and offer to go further if other nations join the drive.
27.11.06, © Reuters

EU Parliamentary Panel Urges 2020 Carbon Dioxide Target
The European Parliament's Industry and Energy Committee wants the EU to be the most energy efficient economy in the world by 2020.
24.11.06, © ENS

Nairobi climate talks split on CDM carbon burial
U.N. climate talks were split on Thursday over whether to permit burial of heat-trapping gases in developing nations under the U.N.'s Kyoto Protocol.
09.11.06, © Science News

Uneinigkeit auf UN-Gipfel über Kyoto-Nachfolgeregelung
Die Teilnehmer des Klimagipfels der Vereinten Nationen sind uneinig über die Aushandlung einer Nachfolgeregelung für das 2012 auslaufende Kyoto-Protokoll. Neue langfristige Regelungen im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel sollten Delegierten zufolge sobald wie möglich vereinbart werden. Allerdings blieb am Dienstag unklar, ob dies 2008, 2009 oder 2010 bedeutet.
03.11.06, © Der Standard

Australia to push for "New Kyoto" in Asia
After repeatedly blocking domestic carbon trading, Australia said on Thursday it would now push for Asia-wide emissions trading to combat global warming as part of a planned "new-Kyoto" pact.
02.11.06, © Reuters

Kenya: UN Talks On Climate to Open Next Week
More than 6,000 delegates will attend a two-week conference on climate change starting on Monday. Among them will be 130 Environment ministers.
01.11.06, ©

"Welt hat keine Wahl mehr"
Ein 700-Seiten-Bericht für die britische Regierung warnt eindringlich davor, den Klimawandel auf die leichte Schulter zu nehmen. Es drohe eine veritable Weltwirtschaftskrise.
29.10.06, © ORF

Europäische Umweltagentur: EU wird Kyoto-Ziele verfehlen
Nach neuen Zahlen der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EEA) werden nur Großbritannien und Schweden die im Kyoto-Protokoll vereinbarten Vorgaben für die Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen einhalten können.
27.10.06, © EurActiv

New UN ‘credit’ system launched to curb global warming gases in industrialized states
Under the joint implementation (JI) mechanism, launched by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), developed countries can acquire credits from emission-reducing projects in other industrialized countries, in particular central and eastern Europe, allowing them to meet their commitments under the Kyoto
26.10.06, © UN News Centre

US, EU Hold Climate Talks Despite Kyoto Rift
The United States and the European Union meet in Helsinki on Tuesday to seek common ground on ways to curb greenhouse gases despite a deep rift over the UN's Kyoto Protocol.
24.10.06, © Reuters

Blair und Balkenende: Dramatischer Appell für mehr Klimaschutz
Vor Beginn des EU-Gipfels in Finnland haben Großbritannien und die Niederlande eine neue Initiative für den Klimaschutz gefordert. Der britische Premierminister Tony Blair und der niederländische Ministerpräsident Jan Peter Balkenende richteten am Vorabend des Gipfels einen dramatischen Appell an die übrigen 23 EU-Staaten.
20.10.06, © FAZ

Post-Kyoto climate talks may last to 2010 - expert
Talks on extending a U.N.-led fight against global warming beyond 2012 may last until 2010 to allow a wider U.S. role after President George W. Bush steps down, a U.N. expert said on Wednesday. "I wouldn't be surprised, given the U.S. electoral calendar, if the overall deal would be 2010," he said. The United States is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions, mainly from fossil fuels burned in power plants, factories and cars.
11.10.06, © Reuters

PM plans 'intensity' alternative to Kyoto
Prime Minister Stephen Harper said yesterday that greenhouse-gas targets in the federal government's new environmental policy will be "intensity-based," a system that effectively scuttles Canada's commitments under the Kyoto Protocol.
11.10.06, ©

EU proposes 100 million euro fund for renewable energy in developing world
The European Commission has proposed creating a 100-million-euro (126-million-dollar) global risk capital fund to boost private investment in renewable energy in poorer nations.
06.10.06, © Yahoo News

Canada says won't rush to set emissions targets
Although Canada cannot meet its obligations for cutting emissions of greenhouse gases under the Kyoto protocol, the government will not rush to set new targets of its own, Environment Minister Rona Ambrose said on Thursday.
05.10.06, © Reuters

Vom Menschen verursachte Methan-Emissionen nehmen deutlich zu
Die Konzentration des Treibhausgases Methan in der Erdatmosphäre nimmt nach einer im Wissenschaftsmagazin Nature veröffentlichten Studie wieder deutlich zu. Jenes Methan, das von Feuchtgebieten ausgestoßen wird, nimmt nach der Studie ab, das vom Menschen verursachte Methan hingegen deutlich zu. Die Experten machen die boomende Wirtschaft Chinas dafür verantwortlich.
02.10.06, © Der Standard

Top 20 polluters gather in Mexico
Ministers from the world's top 20 polluting nations are gathering in Mexico for talks on climate change.
02.10.06, © BBC

Schwarzenegger Signs Global Warming Bill
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wednesday signed into law a sweeping global warming initiative that imposes the nation's first cap on greenhouse gas emissions, saying the effort kicks off "a bold new era of environmental protection."
27.09.06, © ABC News

EU Global Warming Target Difficult - UK Official
A European Union threshold to avoid dangerous climate change is proving a more difficult goal to achieve than anticipated, according to the British foreign secretary.
25.09.06, © Planet Ark

Ministers clear air ahead of climate meeting
Environment ministers have held informal talks in Zurich ahead of the international climate change conference in Nairobi in November. Swiss Energy Minister Moritz Leuenberger and Kenyan Environment Minister Kivutha Kibwana, who jointly chaired the talks, said on Friday that the "frank" and "concrete" discussions should ensure progress is made in the Kenyan capital.
15.09.06, © swissinfo

EU ambassador presses need for dialogue on global warming
The European Union's ambassador on Thursday called for greater dialogue between the EU and the United Sates on global warming, saying greater advocacy is needed to promote conservatio
14.09.06, © IHT

Leaders commit to new emission targets
European and Asian leaders pledged Monday to set new carbon dioxide emissions targets that go beyond those now set for 2012 under the UN's Kyoto Protocol. But they set no firm targets now, bowing to Asian reluctance to do
11.09.06, ©

Sale of Carbon Credits Rise
India is leading developing nations in carbon credits, expecting over 2.27 billion US dollars by selling certified emissions reduction units (CER) from approximately 300 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects, according to the country's ministry of environment and forests.
08.09.06, © IPS

Canada Plans to Boost Environment, Ignore Kyoto
The Canadian government, under fire for dismissing the Kyoto protocol as unworkable, will next month unveil an environmental package that focuses on improving air quality, but says little about global warming, officials and activists say.
08.09.06, © Reuters

Rich nations' greenhouse gases up, despite Kyoto
Industrialised nations' emissions of greenhouse gases edged up to the highest level in more than a decade in 2004 despite curbs meant to fight global warming, data compiled by Reuters showed on Thursday.
31.08.06, © Reuters

Gov. Reaches Landmark Deal on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and top Democrats in the Legislature agreed today on a bill that would make California the first state to slap strict limits on the emission of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.
30.08.06, © LA Times

World Bank logs largest ever greenhouse gas deal
The World Bank put together on Tuesday the largest greenhouse gas deal ever, where European and Asian companies and others will pay two Chinese chemical companies $1.02 billion to reduce output of gases believed to cause global warming.
In the deal, European and Asian companies bound by the U.N.'s Kyoto Protocol to tackle climate change, will pay the Chinese chemical companies to reduce and destroy emissions of HFC23, a heat-trapping gas 11,700 times stronger than carbon dioxide.
29.08.06, © Reuters

EU-Kommission will niedrigeren CO2-Ausstoß erzwingen
Die EU-Kommission erinnert die Autohersteller an ihre Klimaschutz-Versprechen. EU-Industriekommissar Verheugen erklärte heute, die bisherigen Anstrengungen reichten nicht aus. Notfalls will Brüssel die Autoindustrie per Gesetz dazu zwingen, den CO2-Ausstoß stärker zu verringern.
29.08.06, © Der Spiegel

Seven Northeastern States Set Greenhouse Gas Limits
The seven states agreed in December to create a mandatory program to curb emissions, and they set the reduction targets in draft regulations released today. Owners of power plants fueled by coal, oil and natural gas would begin to cut their carbon dioxide output in 2009.
15.08.06, ©

Dutch diplomat appointed head of UN climate change convention
Yvo de Boer will become the new Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which is responsible for gathering and sharing information on greenhouse gas emissions, national policies and best practices, and launching national strategies for addressing the issue, among other measures.
11.08.06, © UN,

Britain, California Unite On Global Warming
Britain and California are preparing to sidestep the Bush administration and fight global warming together by creating a joint market for greenhouse gases.
31.07.06, © Associated Press

Encouragement for low carbon firms
A bid to combat climate change by developing new low carbon business ventures has been launched. The Carbon Trust has announced the creation of a commercial subsidiary, Carbon Trust Enterprises, to accelerate the transition to a low carbon economy.
27.07.06, © Guardian Unlimited

Gorbachev urges Australia to sign Kyoto
Former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev has urged Australia to sign the Kyoto Protocol on climate change and set targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Canberra must also try to influence the United States to do more to reduce the effects of global warming, he said.
21.07.06, © The West Australian

China set to invest $ 200 bn in renewable energy sector
China is set to spend $ 200 bn on renewable energy over the next 15 years, and industry players are racing to grab a slice of the action
15.07.06, © Reuters

Blair wants G8 to tackle climate change
This weekend UK prime minister Tony Blair will call for the G8 group of industrialised nations to admit five developing nations to the group in order to tackle climate change and other global issues.
14.07.06, © SciDev.Net

Annan stresses energy security and its environmental consequences ahead of G-8 Summit
Mr. Annan, speaking in Berlin at an event hosted by the UN Association of Germany and the Bertelsmann Foundation, also highlighted that ?the scientific consensus is overwhelmingly clear: climate change is happening, and humans are contributing to it?
10.07.06, © UN

Poor score for Australia on climate
Australia is the least prepared of all the world's developed countries to tackle the issue of climate change, a report by a newly-formed environmental foundation says. Its Top Ten Tipping Points on Climate Change report concludes that science is the number one trend in the fight against global warming.
07.07.06, © Couriermail

EU-Parlament will Emissionshandel für Luftverkehr
Der Luftverkehr wächst rapide, doch bisher begrenzen weder Kyoto-Protokoll noch Treibstoff- oder Mehrwertsteuern die Treibgas-Emissionen der Flugzeuge. Nach dem Willen des EU-Parlaments sollen sich auch die Fluggesellschaften am Emissionshandel beteiligen.
04.07.06, © Der Spiegel

US won't rule out joining Kyoto successor
Washington cannot rule out joining any successor to the UN's Kyoto Protocol for curbing global warming beyond 2012 but such a move would face big legal hurdles, the U.S. chief climate negotiator said on Monday.
26.06.06, © Washington Post

EU Urges Action as '04 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Rise
European Union nations must boost efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions after data showed they rose 0.3 percent in 2004 among the EU's 15 "old" member states, the bloc's executive said on Thursday.
23.06.06, © Reuters

Fewer night flights could cut climate change impact
Cutting the number of flights that take off at night could help to reduce the contribution of aviation to global warming, researchers said on Wednesday. Night flights contribute to climate change because the white streaks of condensation, or contrails, left behind by jets trap energy emitted from the Earth's surface.
14.06.06, © Reuters

Inteview mit dem neuen UNEP Chef Achim Steiner
Die Entwicklungsländer sind ernüchtert, weil sie sich in den Umweltverträgen neue Verpflichtungen übernehmen sollen, ohne dass sie Vorteile davon haben. Die von den Industriestaaten oft zugesagte Hilfe, etwa beim Umstieg auf saubere Technologien, kommt viel zu schleppend in Gang. Hier müssen die reichen Länder sich bewegen.
14.06.06, © Frankfurter Rundschau

Emission reductions from Kyoto Protocol - Clean Development Mechanism pass the one billion tonnes mark
According to the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, the Kyoto Protocol?s clean development mechanism (CDM) is as of today estimated to generate more than one billion tonnes of emission reductions by the end of 2012.
09.06.06, © UNFCCC

Rich and poor countries at loggerheads over Kyoto, says Ambrose
"At Bonn, the developed countries including Canada reached a consensus that they would not take on further commitments until the developing world also considered targets," she said.
08.06.06, © Canadian Press

Tuvalu kündigt erneut rechtliche Schritte gegen USA und andere CO2-Großproduzenten an
Möglicher Untergang des Inselstaats seit Jahren thematisiert - Premier-Minister Toafa: "Plätze an denen vor wenigen Jahren noch Kinder gespielt haben, stehen heute unter Wasser"
29.05.06, © Der Standard

Senate Committee Calls for U.S. to Negotiate Climate Commitments
On May 23, 2006, the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed S. Res. 312, a “sense of the Senate” resolution calling for U.S. participation in negotiations under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change to establish mitigation commitments for all countries that are major emitters of greenhouse gases.
23.05.06, © Pew Center

Canada grows cool on climate treaty
Canada’s minority Conservative government has signalled a waning commitment to the Kyoto protocol on climate change, on the grounds that the treaty does not include some of the world’s heaviest polluters.
22.05.06, ©

EU says US, China open to global emissions trade
The European Union's environment chief said on Friday the United States was open to discussing a global greenhouse gas emissions market, but the U.S. government said it remained opposed to mandatory caps on emissions as called for by the Kyoto Protocol.
19.05.06, © Reuters

Poor States Seen Escaping Kyoto Climate Caps
Poor nations are seeking aid and technology to combat global warming with no expectation at UN climate talks that they will be forced to join rich nations and cut emissions of heat-trapping gases.
19.05.06, © Reuters

UNO-Konferenz über künftige Klimapolitik in Bonn
In Bonn hat am Montag unter der Leitung der UNO eine Konferenz zu Maßnahmen gegen den Klimawandel begonnen. Ein "Dialog über die langfristige Zusammenarbeit zur weiteren Umsetzung der Klimarahmenkonvention" ist Thema des ersten Teils der Tagung.
15.05.06, © Der Standard

EU could tighten CO2 rights in 2008-12
The European Commission should tighten carbon dioxide allowances for 2008-2012 if they have been overallocated in the first phase of the emissions trading scheme, Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas said on Thursday.
04.05.06, © Financial Express

Britain Unveils Plans to Boost Biomass Sector
Britain announced measures to promote the production of electricity and heat from biomass on Thursday, including a capital grant scheme for "green" boilers and continuing support for energy crops.
28.04.06, © Planet Ark

CO2-Ausstoß: US-Bundesstaaten klagen Umweltbehörde Mehrere US-Bundesstaaten haben die US-Umweltschutzbehörde EPA wegen fehlender Maßnahmen zum Kampf gegen die globale Erwärmung verklagt. Die EPA weigere sich, den Ausstoß von Kohlendioxid (CO2) von Kraftwerken zu reglementieren, hieß es in der am Donnerstag bei einem Bundesgericht in der Hauptstadt Washington eingereichten Klage
28.04.06, © Der Standard

Markt für CO2-Zertifikate bricht ein
Während in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten fieberhaft an den Plänen für die nächste Phase des Handels mit CO2-Zertifikaten (ab 2008) gearbeitet wird, verändern sich die Marktbedingungen grundlegend: In den letzten Tagen ist der Preis für eine Tonne CO2 um ein Drittel zurückgegangen.
28.04.06, © Die Presse

EU Emissions Scheme Faces Key Test After First Year
The European Union's efforts to fight climate change with its landmark emissions trading system will face a crucial test this month when companies must show whether they have exceeded their 2005 pollution limits.
25.04.06, © Planetark

Harper hints at possible Canada-US climate change pact
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, under pressure to tackle climate change while hostile to the Kyoto Protocol, hinted that Canada may opt for a Canada-US plan to reduce greenhouse gases.
20.04.06, © AFP

Car makers 'failing' on climate
European car makers are defaulting on a vital target to tackle climate change, according to an environmental group.
20.04.06, © BBC

Commission asks member states to fulfil their obligations
The European Commission has decided to take infringement procedures against a number of Member States over violations of four separate pieces of EU climate change legislation.
06.04.06, © EU Press Release

Russia to Have Key Kyoto Trade Rules Ready by July
Russia will have key rules ready by July that will allow foreign firms to invest in the country under the terms of the Kyoto Protocol, a top Russian official promised on Monday, reassuring potential investors.
04.04.06, © Reuters

Utilities urge emission limits
U.S. utilities, breaking with their own trade association, urged Congress to impose mandatory restrictions on emissions of carbon dioxide, a gas that contributes to global warming.
05.04.06, ©

UK's Blair Wants Urgent Action on Post-Kyoto Accord
Tony Blair called on Wednesday for the world to work urgently on an agreement to tackle climate change after the Kyoto Protocol expires. Blair, touring Australia and New Zealand, emphasised his determination to inject new momentum into global efforts to negotiate a framework for a broad deal to take effect from 2012, when Kyoto ends.
30.03.06, © Reuters

EU Leaders Seek Stronger Renewable Energy Targets
European Union leaders gave a push to renewable energy on Friday, eyeing higher targets for sources like wind and solar power as the 25-nation bloc tries to reduce its dependence on foreign energy suppliers.
27.03.06, © Reuters

Etappensieg auf dem Weg zur CO2-Abgabe
Die Chancen für eine CO2-Abgabe auf Heizöl bleiben vorerst intakt. Der Schweizer Nationalrat hat sich am Donnerstag hinter die Lenkungsabgabe gestellt und den Klimarappen II knapp verworfen. Die Linke konnte damit einen Etappensieg verbuchen, der Weg zur Einführung der Abgabe bleibt aber noch lang.
24.03.06, © NZZ Online

Feds refuse to say no to Kyoto
Despite Prime Minister Stephen Harper's public misgivings about the Kyoto protocol on climate change, the federal environment minister says Canada will not opt out of the accord.
15.03.06, © Calgary Sun

Umweltminister finden Kompromiss zu Klimazielen
Die EU-Umweltminister haben sich am Donnerstag bei ihrem ersten Treffen nach der Klima-Konferenz in Montreal auf die Post-Kyoto-Position der EU im Klimaschutz festgelegt. Der Beschluss sieht vor, dass die Industriestaaten nach die Treibhausgas-Emissionen um 15 bis 30 Prozent bis 2020 gegenüber dem Niveau von 1990 senken werden und "bis 2050 im Geiste der Beschlüsse vom (Umwelt)-Rat im März 2005".
09.03.06, © Der Standard

Compliance body set up for Kyoto Protocol on reducing greenhouse gases
“A strong and effective compliance mechanism is key to the success of the implementation of the treaty,” said Richard Kinley, acting head of the UN Climate Change Secretariat in Bonn.
03.03.06, © UN News Centre

Global Greenhouse Gas Trade Soared in 2005 - Study
Global trading in greenhouse gas credits grew explosively last year to be worth more than nine billion euros, 25 times the value of deals recorded in 2004, according to a report published on Tuesday.
01.03.06, © Planet Ark

EU to help China cut CO2 emissions
CHINA, which is battling pollution on a big scale, and the European Union, one of the most technologically advanced regions, agreed yesterday to reduce China's carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power stations and to consider burying them.
21.02.06, © Shanghai Daily

Governor to push global warming fight
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's administration is expected this month to release a plan to combat global warming that recommends raising petroleum prices and requiring industries to report, for the first time, their greenhouse gas emissions.
17.02.06, © San Francisco Chronicle

EU-Kommission lehnt britischen CO2-Plan erneut ab
Patt-Situation.Die EU-Kommission hat Änderungen des britischen Zuteilungsplans für CO2-Emissionsrechte erneut abgelehnt. Großbritannien habe die nachträglichen Änderungen zu spät eingereicht, begründete die Kommission ihre Entscheidung. Die Frist zur Einreichung der Nationalen Allokationspläne (NAP) für den Handelszeitraum 2005 bis 2007 endete am 30. September 2004. London habe den modifizierten CO2-Plan aber erst im November 2004 in Brüssel abgegeben.
16.02.06, © Dow Jones

UNFCCC chief sees Kyoto Protocol countries on their way to reach emissions targets
The acting head of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change says that industrialized countries that have ratified the 1997 Kyoto Protocol can still reach their legally binding emissions targets. 15.02.06, © UNFCCC

California: Studies Support Emissions Plans
Two independent analyses say an effort to cut greenhouse gases could be beneficial for California's economy.
23.01.06, © Climate Ark

100,000 MW power expected from renewable sources by 2050
Non-conventional Energy Sources Minister Vilas Muttemwar today announced that his Ministry was working out a Comprehensive Renewable Energy Policy aimed at achieving energy security.
19.01.06, © Webindia

Pact 'will not reduce emissions'
A new Asia-Pacific pact aimed at tackling climate change will not reduce carbon emissions.That is the conclusion of a report from an Australian government agency released during the pact's first ministerial meeting.
13.01.06, © BBC

EU: Emissions trading: Commission sets out guidance on national allocations for 2008-2012
The European Commission has published a Communication setting out guidance to help member states when they draw up national plans for allocating carbon dioxide emission allowances for 2008-2012 under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS).
09.01.06, ©

US forces Brussels into rethink on aircraft emissions
The European Commission is being forced to consider scaling back its scheme for targeting aircraft emissions after the United States threatened to take legal action to block it.
03.01.06, © Times Online


Austrian News on Climate Policy and Kyoto

Umweltminister verlangt "mehr Maßnahmen im Inland"
Um die heimischen Kyoto-Klimaschutzziele erreichen zu können, verlangt Umweltminister Josef Pröll (V) "mehr Maßnahmen im Inland". Diese sollen auch zum Schwerpunkt in der neuen Klimastrategie werden, sagte Pröll im Interview.
26.01.06, © Der Standard

Treibhausgasemissionen 2005 gestiegen
Auf Basis der Ergebnisse der jährlichen österreichischen Luftschadstoffinventur verzeichnet das Umweltbundesamt einen deutlichen Anstieg der Treibhausgasemissionen im Jahr 2005: Die Gesamtmenge liegt im Jahr 2005 bei 93,2 Mio. Tonnen Kohlendioxid-Äquivalenten. Dies entspricht einer Steigerung um 2,1 Mio Tonnen oder 2,3% gegenüber 2004 und einem Zuwachs von 18,1% gegenüber dem Kyoto-Basisjahr 1990.
17.01.06, © Umweltbundesamt

Emissionshandel: 2. Nationaler Allokationsplan nach Brüssel geschickt
Nach Abschluss einer öffentlichen Begutachtung und nach Herstellung des Einvernehmens mit den Bundesministerien für Wirtschaft und Arbeit sowie Finanzen hat heute, Montag, das Lebensministerium den österreichischen Zuteilungsplan für den Emissionshandel während der fünfjährigen „Kyotoperiode“ 2008-2012 (NAP 2) nach Brüssel geschickt.
15.01.07 © Lebensministerium

Neue JI/CDM-Projekte in Osteuropa
In der aktuellen JI/CDM Kommissionssitzung wurde der Ankauf von CO2-Emissionsreduktionen in der Höhe von rund drei Millionen Tonnen aus Klimaschutzprojekten im Ausland beschlossen. Das derzeitige Ankaufsziel von 35 Millionen Tonnen für die Verpflichtungsperiode 2008 bis 2012 ist nun zu zwei Drittel vertraglich gesichert.
19.12.06, © Lebensministerium

Energie wird Schlüsselfrage aller Politik
Die Energie werde in den nächsten Jahren und Jahrzehnten die "zentrale Frage der künftigen Politik" in Europa sein", prophezeite Umweltminister Josef Pröll.
22.08.06, © Der Standard

Nationaler Allokationsplan für Industrie nach Brüssel übermittelt
In intensiven Gesprächen wurde mit der Industrie eine Zuteilung von zulässigen CO2-Emissionen in der Höhe von 32,8 Mio. Tonnen vereinbart. Erstmals wird aber nicht mehr die gesamte zugeteilte Menge gratis vergeben. Neu ist das Instrument der Auktion. 400.000 Tonnen werden jährlich unter den österreichischen Unternehmen versteigert. Somit stehen der Industrie und E-Wirtschaft über die gesamte Periode insgesamt 2 Mio. Tonnen über eine Auktion zur Verfügung.
20.07.06, © Lebensministerium

Einigung bei Emissionszertifikaten
Wirtschaft und Umweltminister Pröll vereinbarten die Zuteilung von Zertifikaten im Umfang von 32,8 Tonnen CO2 für 2008-2012
14.07.06, © Der Standard

Zehn Mio. Tonnen CO2 müssen noch eingespart werden
Österreich fehlen auf dem Weg zu Kyoto noch zehn Millionen Tonnen CO2, die eingespart werden müssen. Die bisherigen in der Klimastrategie festgelegten Maßnahmen bringen die Ausstöße im Jahr 2010 laut einer am Dienstag veröffentlichten Evaluierung des Umweltbundesamtes (UBA) auf einen Stand von 78 Millionen Tonnen CO2, vorgesehen sind aber 68 Millionen Tonnen.
11.04.06, © Der Standard

Erstmals seit 2000 weniger CO2 ausgestoßen
Einerseits liegt der Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen mit 91,3 Mill. Tonnen noch um 22,6 Mill. Tonnen über dem Ziel einer 13-prozentigen Reduktion in Bezug auf den Ausstoß des Jahres 1990. Andererseits wurden die Emissionen das erste Mal seit 2000 wieder verringert.
23.02.06, © Die Presse



Seven states sign plan to cut CO2 emissions
Seven northeastern states on Tuesday announced their plan to curb emissions of heat-trapping carbon dioxide by allowing industry to buy and sell emission credits.
20.12.05, © USATODAY

Kyoto Treaty Powers Up U.S. Alternative Energy Firms
The United States has not joined the Kyoto Protocol to cut greenhouse gases, but the pact nevertheless is boosting sales for American companies that market "clean" energy technologies. The spread of renewable-energy standards - particularly in Europe - propelled by the treaty, along with a surge in oil and gas prices, has triggered a boom in business for solar and wind energy companies.
19.12.05, © LA Times

In Kanada entsteht neue Klimabörse
In Montreal haben die Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) und die Montreal Exchange (MX) eine Vereinbarung zur Gründung der Montreal Climate Exchange unterzeichnet. Damit erhält der globale Klimaschutz einen weiteren Eckpfeiler in Nordamerika.
17.12.05, © Handelsblatt

US states to sign climate initiative
Seven north-eastern US states are likely to finalise plans on Thursday to begin curbing their greenhouse gas emissions. Under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, the states are expected to cap carbon dioxide emissions from power stations in an effort to combat climate change and encourage energy efficiency.
14.12.05, © Financial Times

"Wir haben eine Alternative"
Wir wissen, was gerade mit dem Klima passiert ... und wir haben eine Alternative", sagte Clinton vor 1.000 bis 2.000 begeisterten Zuhörern im Konferenzgebäude. Er betonte mehrmals, dass Klimaschutz insgesamt keine Arbeitsplätze vernichte, sondern eine Vielzahl schaffe.
10.12.05, © Die Presse

Last-minute climate deals reached
Ministers at the climate change conference in Montreal have made a series of breakthroughs in plans to combat global warming.
10.12.05, © BBC

Oberösterreich bei Weltklimakonferenz als "Modellregion" eingeladen
Oberösterreich wurde als eine von sechs "Modellregionen" eingeladen, bei der Weltklimakonferenz in Montreal (Kanada) sein Klimaschutzprogramm zu präsentieren.
02.12.05, © Der Standard

EU Says Will Fulfil Kyoto Target Early, in 2010
The European Union will meet its Kyoto Protocol obligations to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2010, two years before the global environment treaty's final deadline, a report by the EU executive showed on Thursday.
02.12.05, © Reuters

Montreal climate conference adopts ‘rule book’ of the Kyoto Protocol
The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Montreal on Wednesday finalized the ‘rule book’ of the Kyoto Protocol, the 1997 landmark treaty designed to curb greenhouse gas emissions. 30 November 2005 - The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Montreal on Wednesday finalized the ‘rule book’ of the Kyoto Protocol, the 1997 landmark treaty designed to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
30.11.05, © UNFCCC

Deutscher Umweltminister fordert neues Kyoto-Protokoll
"Es muss jetzt ein zeitlich abgegrenzter Verhandlungsprozess über ein neues multilaterales Klimaschutzregime für die Zeit nach 2012 beginnen, das auf der Architektur des Kyoto-Protokolls aufbaut", sagte Gabriel.
25.11.05, © Der Standard

Second phase of Kyoto faces battle
Ministers face a battle when they meet next week to start talks on a new climate change treaty, European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas said on Monday.
22.11.05, © ABC News

Britain opens way for new climate deal
Britain is to open the door for other nations to abandon setting compulsory targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions: the principle at the heart of the Kyoto agreement to tackle climate change
20.11.05, © Guardian Unlimited

Developed countries cut greenhouse gases, but more effort needed
Developed countries, taken as a group, have achieved sizable reductions of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but further efforts are needed to sustain these reductions in gases blamed for global warming and cut them further, a United Nations climate body warned today.
18.11.05, © UN News Centre

UK Seeks Chinese Lead on Climate Change
Blair wants to encourage China to take a lead among developing countries ahead of a United Nations climate change conference in December in Montreal, British officials said.
08.11.05, ©

Action on warming
President George W. Bush has long argued that a nationwide program of mandatory controls on carbon dioxide and other global warming gases would saddle the country with crippling electricity costs. He may be surprised to learn that his own Environmental Protection Agency no longer believes that to be the case.
07.11.05, ©
International Herald Tribune

Greenhouse gases 'to rise by 52%'
Global greenhouse gas emissions will rise by 52% by 2030, unless the world takes action to reduce energy consumption, a study has warned.
07.11.05, © BBC

China to lead greenhouse gas emissions surge: IEA
China and other developing countries will emerge as the world's biggest polluters over the next 25 years, driving a sharp increase in greenhouse gas emissions, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Monday.
07.11.05, © Reuters

Job-Schwemme durch Ende des Erdölzeitalters?
Das Zeitalter von Öl als Energieträger ist nach Ansicht des amerikanischen Ökonomen und Zukunftsforschers Jeremy Rifkin vorbei. "Erneuerbare Energie durch Wasserstoff ist die dritte industrielle Revolution. Sie wird Millionen von Jobs schaffen, um die ganze Infrastruktur in Europa zu verändern", sagte Rifkin am Montag bei einer Pressekonferenz.
24.10.05, © Der Standard

Joke Waller-Hunter (1946-2005)
With deep sorrow the Climate Change Secretariat announces the passing of Ms. Joke Waller-Hunter, UNFCCC Executive Secretary. Since 1 May 2002, Joke assumed the leadership of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change as its Executive Secretary.
14.10.05, © UNFCCC

Setback on climate pact talks
The inaugural meeting for the six nations involved in the Asia-Pacific Climate Pact has been postponed.
08.10.05, © The Australian

Emissionshandel bald auch für Airlines
Der EU-Kommission liegt jetzt ein Vorschlag vor, den Schadstoffausstoß der europäischen Luftfahrt ab 2008 zu begrenzen.
28.09.05,© Die Presse

U.S. Priorities on Climate Change Policy Following the Kyoto Protocol
The climate change debate has changed significantly since early negotiations around the Kyoto Protocol, said Richard Morgenstern, senior fellow at Resources for the Future."New technologies are clearly needed to address the climate change issue," he said. "Government has an important role to play in spurring the development and diffusion of these technologies."
20.09.05, © RFF

France To Hike Tax On Big CO2 Emission Cars
The French government has decided to increase the vehicle license tax on new cars that produce high levels of carbon dioxide. The tax, effective Jan. 1, is aimed at encouraging car buyers to opt for less-polluting vehicles.
09.09.05,© Dow Jones

China, EU to invest in ultra-clean coal-fired power station
China and the European Union (EU) are on the verge of announcing a big investment in new technology for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired power stations, the Financial Times reported, without citing sources.
05.09.05, © AFX

Kanada belohnt CO2-Eigeninitiative
Der kanadische Umweltminister Stephane Dion hält seine Landsleute dazu an, Treibhausgasemissionen mit eigenen Ideen zu drosseln. Initiatoren von umweltfreundlichen Projekten können sich „Credits” verdienen und diese an die großen industriellen Luftverschmutzer oder die Regierung verkaufen.
18.08.05,© Dow Jownes

International Energy Outlook 2005
In the IEO2005 reference case, world carbon dioxide emissions are projected to rise from 24.4 billion metric tons in 2002 to 30.2 billion metric tons in 2010 and 38.8 billion metric tons in 2025. Much of the projected increase in carbon dioxide emissions occurs among the emerging nations, accompanying large increases in fossil fuel use.
July 2005, © IEA

EU sieht US-Klimaschutzbündnis nicht als Alternative zu Kyoto
Das neue Klimaschutzabkommen zwischen den USA, China, Indien, Australien und Südkorea ersetzt nach Auffassung der EU-Kommission nicht die im Kyoto-Protokoll festgelegte UN-Klimaschutzkonvention. „Es ist mehr eine Ergänzung als eine Alternative zum Kyoto-Protokoll”, sagte die Sprecherin von EU-Umweltkommissar Stavros Dimas am Donnerstag in Brüssel
, © Dow Jownes

'Beyond Kyoto' greenhouse pact being formed
The United States, Australia, China, India and South Korea are likely to unveil this week a regional pact to combat greenhouse gas emissions by developing environmentally friendly energy technology, Australia said on Wednesday.
27.07.05, © Reuters

Größte Solaranlage Mitteleuropas in Graz
In der steirischen Landeshauptstadt wird wieder mehr auf alternative Energiegewinnung gesetzt. Mit der größten Solaranlage Mitteleuropas sollen jährlich 2.500 Megawattstunden Wärme für rund 3.000 Haushalte geliefert werden.
26.07.05, © ORF

Firms beat climate-change target
UK industry has been cutting carbon dioxide emissions twice as quickly as firms agreed under plans to improve the environment, a government report says
21.07.05, © BBC

World faces massive increase in CO2 emissions as population grows
The world faces a massive increase in carbon dioxide emissions, which fuel global warming, due to population growth, poor countries getting richer and the failure of wealthy countries to reduce greenhouse gases, a world population conference heard.
19.07.05, © AFP

Berlin signs off on climate protection programme
Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democrat-led government Wednesday signed off on a national climate protection program as a poll showed that the majority of Germans consider climate protection a key issue.
13.07.05, © DPA/Expatica

UN to Start Marathon in Bonn to Widen Kyoto
A UN meeting in Germany next week will start a marathon bid to extend the UN's Kyoto protocol on fighting global warming and persuade the United States and developing nations to take part from 2012.
16.05.05, © Planetark

American mayors unite to implement Kyoto goals on carbon dioxide levels
Frustrated by the Bush administration's refusal to ratify the Kyoto Treaty, 132 US mayors have pledged to enforce its regulations in their own cities.
16.05.05, © The Independent

The EU's Contribution to Shaping the Future Global Climate Change Regime
Documents on the future EU Climate Policy
May 2005, © DG Enviromnet

E.U.: Kyoto could spur Europe's growth
European Commissioner for Energy Stravos Dimas this week said the European Union's carbon emissions-trading scheme, intended to combat global climate change and reduce greenhouse gases, could be a catalyst for economic opportunities for the continent's industries.
21. 04.05, © Washington Times

California eyes cap-and-trade plan to trim greenhouse gases
The California Energy Commission's Climate Change Advisory Committee is eying "cap-and-trade" proposals. Advocates say such a move by California would lead the way for other states. Already California has agreements with Oregon and Washington to trim emissions that contribute to climate change.
07. 04.05, © Associated Press

Canada, Automakers Announce Breakthrough Global Warming Agreement Automakers To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Today, the Canadian government and automobile manufacturers signed a historic agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles by over 15 million tons by the end of 2010
05. 04.05, © Common Dreams

Spatenstich für größtes Biomassekraftwerk
In Wien-Simmering ist am Montag der Spatenstich für Östereichs größtes Biomassekraftwerk erfolgt. Das Kraftwerk soll bereits Mitte 2006 in Betrieb gehen.
11.04.05, © ORF

Australian States Leave Feds Behind on Greenhouse Gas Trading
The states and territories of Australia have reached a joint agreement on greenhouse gas emissions trading to fight climate change. The federal government, under Prime Minister John Howard, has declined to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, so the states and territories have initiated their own emissions reduction scheme.
04. 04.05, © ENS

Kyoto pact plan avoids carbon tax; buying of emissions credits expected
The government unveiled a plan Tuesday for fulfilling Japan's obligations to cut greenhouse gas emissions under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol but stopped short of including the contentious carbon tax
30.03.05, © The Japan Times

Inventare für eine glaubwürdige Klimapolitik
Vergangene Woche hat der Bundesrat entschieden, gestützt auf das CO2-Gesetz eine CO2-Abgabe einzuführen und dem Klimarappen eine Chance zu geben.
29.03.05, © NZZ

EU drops 2050 emissions target
Union leaders have backed a goal for ambitious cuts in greenhouse gases by 2020 but dropped a longer-term target for 2050, despite support from environment ministers earlier this month.
The reduction ranges will have to be viewed in the light of future work on how the objective can be achieved, including the cost-benefit aspect.
23.03.05, © Reuters

Britain takes Africa rescue plan to G8
Britain called on rich countries on Thursday to lift the yoke of debt and poverty from Africa at the first joint meeting of environment and development ministers from the Group of Eight. Blair has put Africa and global warming at the top of the agenda for the G8 summit in Gleneagles in Scotland in July.
18.03.05, © Reuters

Der EU-Emissionshandel kommt in Schwung
Nach Schweden, Finnland, Dänemark und den Niederlanden kann neu auch Deutschland nicht nur Termin-, sondern auch Spotgeschäfte mit entsprechenden Verschmutzungsrechten tätigen. Die EU-Kommission hat Berlin am Wochenende mitgeteilt, sie habe seinem Zuteilungsverfahren zugestimmt.
15.03.05, © NZZ

EU Ministers Want Tough Post-Kyoto Emissions Target
European Union environment ministers on Thursday proposed that developed nations make sweeping cuts in greenhouse gas emissions in the years following 2012, when the first period covered by the Kyoto Protocol ends.
11. 03.05, © Planet Ark

Worldwide Wind Energy Capacity at 47.616 MW
The world market for electricity generation from wind energy once again developed very dynamically in the year 2004. 8.321 MW of new capacity were added in the year 2004, marking a new record – in 2003, 8.129 MW were added. The new leader in terms of new installation is Spain with 2061 MW, thus for the first time taking over the number one position from Germany (2020 MW).
07.03.05, © World Wind Energy Association

Denmark to Push for Ambitious EU Emissions Goals
Denmark's environment minister will push for more ambitious European Union targets for lowering emissions of greenhouse gases after 2012, she said on Friday.
07.03.05, © Planet Ark

UK Refuses To Budge in EU Spat Over Carbon Trade
Britain says it would have a "strong legal case" against the European Commission if the two sides go to court over changes Britain made to its emissions trading scheme, UK environment chief Margaret Beckett said on Wednesday.
03.03.05, © Planet Ark

Airlines face cuts in ozone gases under new pact
The world's airlines must make cuts of 12 percent in nitrogen oxide emissions blamed for depleting the ozone layer, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) said.The Kyoto Protocol called on industrialized countries to work through the ICAO to reduce greenhouse gases on civil aviation.
02.03.05, © Yahoo News

Carbon rush at World Bank
As the Kyoto Protocol comes into force this month, a carbon rush is gaining steam in the financial industry. Investors predict that the carbon trade could become one of the largest markets in the world with a trading volume of US$60-$250 billion by 2008 and some unlikely actors are gearing up to profit from this new, invisible market. Foremost among them is the World Bank.
26.02.05, © Asia Times

Bush disappoints Europe with climate change ideas
U.S. President George W. Bush has disappointed European environmental activists who had hoped for a wider commitment from the world's largest polluter to fighting global warming.
23.02.05, © Reuters

Blair to open world economy talks
Tony Blair is expected to focus on global warming when he formally opens proceedings at the World Economic Forum in the Swiss ski resort of Davos later.
26. 01.05, © BBC News

EU suing on delays in Kyoto plans
The European Union on Wednesday sued Italy, Belgium, Greece and Finland for failing to take steps to introduce a system enabling companies to trade greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto agreement on global warming.
20. 01.05, © International Herald Tribune

Austria´s Annual National Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2003
Die Gesamtmenge an Treibhausgasemissionen steigt im Jahr 2003 auf 91,6 Mio. Tonnen CO2 Äquivalente an. Dies entspricht einer Steigerung um 5,1 Mio. oder 5,9% gegenüber dem Vorjahr und einem Anstieg von 16,6% gegenüber dem Kyoto-Basisjahr 1990.
© Umweltbundesamt, Jänner 2005



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