The Austrian Toronto Technology Program

The Economic Dynamics of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets

Austrian initiative to implement the Kyoto-Protocol

Published and carried out by the Austrian Council on Climate Change (ACCC)


Reduction of CO2 emissions


Macroeconomic computer model developed for the Austrian economy.

The concept of the model starts with defining the amount of the 5 factors determining the final economic demand (among others private and public consumption, export). Investment is desegregated into five categories and modelled for each category. In a second step the sum of the final demand is fed into a sector model through which then the effect on demand for certain goods is calculated.

Details on the assumptions on economic and energy growth and efficiency improvements could not be obtained in time the factor of multiplication for investment is 1.5 (short-term) and 2 (middle-term) no introduction of new technologies, but enhancement of existing technologies

The program aims at reaching the Toronto target; this means a 25% reduction of CO2 emissions until 2005 (compared to 1988).

    Measures proposed are:

    • Cogeneration will be used three times as much as in the baseline scenario
    • Renovation of buildings including installing improved insulation will lead to a halving of energy consumption
    • Re-design of transportation through implementation of road pricing and the 5 liter car
    • Promotion of renewable energies: solar, biomass, wind and photovoltaic energy

These measures request a public prefinancing of S1.44 billion per year. This amount will stimulate S11 billion per year of technology investment and therefore the total investment of S20 billion per year.

Effects on employment:

Net job creation in 2005: 12,200 or 5% of unemployed

Other benefits:

Additional private investment triggered off: over S200 billion through economic activity effect on gross domestic product (GDP): 1.2% or S24.5 billion increase in 2005 effect on national demand (Inlands-nachfrage): S48.2 b. increase in 2005 effect on governmental budgets (in 2005):

Additional income: S8.31 billion
Additional spending: -S0.62 billion (reduced spending)
Net effect: S8.93 billion


Contact address:

Prof. Stefan Schleicher, Austrian Council on Climate Change

c/o University of Graz, Universitätstr. 15/F4, 8010 Graz, Austria
Tel +43 316 380 3440
Fax +43 316 380 3440



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GHG emissions
of Annex I countries, 1990-2005
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This Website is supported by:

Climate Austria. The new tool for CO2 compensation in Austria.

European Cooperation of the Umweltbundesamt: EU ERA-Net CIRCLE links up and aligns European national research programmes for impact and adaptation

    The impulse program of the Ministry of Environment for active climate protection.

Contribution of project related flexible mechanisms (JI/CDM) to climate protection

Emissions Trading Page of the Ministry of Environment

Conference of the Parties